New Hope 2.3 Client account (에 의해 grisly)

: 게인 +9918.14%
드로다운 37.87%
핍스: 780.5
거래 480
원 :
: 종류 리얼
레버리지: 1:200
거래 : 자동화

New Hope 2.3 Client account 토론

Apr 26, 2014 at 16:01
767 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Apr 10, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물34
May 03, 2014 at 09:02
A very impressive track record, well done. Is this system available?
Just make it happen
Jun 06, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물17
Jun 06, 2014 at 07:44
read it before buy any arbitrage ea.

hi, i have this ea educated.
New hope and Broker arbitrage ea are same.
Dont buy it. its totally useless.
there is only one seller and he is selling with 2 different website and many skype id.




all are same ea.
accounts are not verified however they will give you investor password to check it.
i bought all these 3 website arbitrage ea.
no one will gove you his profitable setting and everytime you will ask about setting, then they will give you different setting everytime. I tested it for one month, then i asked refund because i was getting only losses with their recommended broker, vps and setting and they installed everything. They refused refund. Then i opned dispute in paypal, then they posted false comments and false screenshot in paypal and escalated the dispute, and i lost the case. Never buy any ea from all these 3 scammers. They will never help you to make profit. They will only try to pass the days and never give you refund. I bought it because i thought that if they will be scammers, then i can get refund but all are scammers. They knows better that how to win paypal dispute.

Case no.PP-003-181-247-636 and Case no.PP-003-181-246-142
hi, please tell me that why you declaired your verdict against me for above both paypal case?
I want to know the reason. I have sent you all the proofs and everything about this scam
from vendor side who did scam not only with me but also there are many.
He also posted fasle comments, and then escalated the dispute, so that i cant post my truth.
You did not understand. I use paypal because i was feeling safe. I do forex trading. There are
many scammers in forex. Thats why i pay them through paypal because if they will scam with me
then throguh paypal i will get money back. But now i dont trust paypal. Because paypal scammed
me more than 2 times. One for last year for 550 usd dispute to vergil and this dispute. I sent
all proof to paypal but yet i lost both case. I dont trust paypal now. I always encouraged people
to use paypal because its safe. but now i will tell everyone not to use paypal and use other payment
options and best is CC. I will always now discourage everybody and post everywhere not to use paypal.
I am shocked when i got paypal mail that case closed against me because i sent everything and all
proofs to paypal and all were against seller. Seller lied to me and to paypal. Now i will use
other options for payment and there will be very limited use of paypal for me.
It means paypal is also a scam and it is made for scammers. I really dont trust paypal now.
You closed case in favour of scammer seller. I will post everywhere about this scamming from
paypal. And dont forget to give me you reasons to close case against me. I paid this seller
through paypal because there was doubt about seller that he may be scammer because his myfxbook
is not fully veryfied. look at this link
I was sure that if seller will scam with me then i will get refund throgh paypal but now
i got it that paypal is for seller and scammer but there is no protection for buyers.
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