Mindstorm - IBFX (에 의해 Clearpaper)
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Mindstorm - IBFX 토론
Feb 25, 2010 부터 멤버
Oct 31, 2010 at 09:25
(편집됨 Oct 31, 2010 at 09:55)
Feb 25, 2010 부터 멤버
Observations of using on non-GMT+2 server:
1. The signals can be significantly different between the trained GMT+2 history and IBFX's GMT+0 server.
2. Chartist lines are also drawn only on the respective server's GMT+0, which on IBFX is 2 hours later than designed.
General observations and possible improvements:
1. If trades do not hit TP/SL at the end of the day, and there is a new prediction shifting the TP/SL for the new day, the existing trades carry on. (As of writing 10.30.2010, AUDJPY 10.26.2010 00:13 has been open 4 days)
Solution a: Forceclose all trades in net floating profit or loss at GMT2359
Solution b: Forceclose only net floating profit trades at GMT2359, disable next day's Chartist lines and extend original
TP/SL to perpetuity
2. If market is excessively volatile, with price moving from Entry line to SL/TP multiple times, trades can be executed multiple times in a day (EURCHF 10.29.2010, entered 3 times in 1 day)
Solution a: Disable Chartist line upon TP/SL hitting
icgid, dywmtdi?
1. The signals can be significantly different between the trained GMT+2 history and IBFX's GMT+0 server.
2. Chartist lines are also drawn only on the respective server's GMT+0, which on IBFX is 2 hours later than designed.
General observations and possible improvements:
1. If trades do not hit TP/SL at the end of the day, and there is a new prediction shifting the TP/SL for the new day, the existing trades carry on. (As of writing 10.30.2010, AUDJPY 10.26.2010 00:13 has been open 4 days)
Solution a: Forceclose all trades in net floating profit or loss at GMT2359
Solution b: Forceclose only net floating profit trades at GMT2359, disable next day's Chartist lines and extend original
TP/SL to perpetuity
2. If market is excessively volatile, with price moving from Entry line to SL/TP multiple times, trades can be executed multiple times in a day (EURCHF 10.29.2010, entered 3 times in 1 day)
Solution a: Disable Chartist line upon TP/SL hitting
icgid, dywmtdi?
Feb 25, 2010 부터 멤버
Feb 25, 2010 부터 멤버

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