Million Dollar Pips (에 의해 iwillsurvive)
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Million Dollar Pips 토론
May 21, 2011 부터 멤버
Jul 10, 2011 at 07:22
May 21, 2011 부터 멤버
It is Oanda Broker.
Meaning that the Swap, is known to oanda as 'interest withdrawals'. Oanda charges interest per second, unlike other brokers which charge daily
Meaning that the Swap, is known to oanda as 'interest withdrawals'. Oanda charges interest per second, unlike other brokers which charge daily
Armada Markets 5% discount, Axitrader $1.50 discount, IC markets $1.50 disc, LMAX 12% discount, Price Markets 5% disc, FinFX (accepts US traders) $0.7 ECN disc, Global Prime $1.50 discount, SynergyFX $3.50 discount, Blackwell Global $6 rebates - Abundance Trading
May 21, 2011 부터 멤버
Jul 13, 2011 at 14:15
May 21, 2011 부터 멤버
nope just EUR usd. i also realised that things are wierd cos the trades are not exactly the same
Armada Markets 5% discount, Axitrader $1.50 discount, IC markets $1.50 disc, LMAX 12% discount, Price Markets 5% disc, FinFX (accepts US traders) $0.7 ECN disc, Global Prime $1.50 discount, SynergyFX $3.50 discount, Blackwell Global $6 rebates - Abundance Trading
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