Managed Account 1 (Short term conservative) (에 의해 leerees)
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Managed Account 1 (Short term conservative) 토론
Sep 16, 2011 at 05:51
Oct 20, 2010 부터 멤버
Dear Users,
This is the first managed account, the goal of this account is to make 100% using conservative settings. Once the initial investment is made back and withdrawn we will discuss options with the possiblity of using a more aggresive investment strategy.
Thanks to all those that emailed me about PAMM accounts, I have your details and will contact you when it is ready.
And yes, this account is on a VPS ;-)
This is the first managed account, the goal of this account is to make 100% using conservative settings. Once the initial investment is made back and withdrawn we will discuss options with the possiblity of using a more aggresive investment strategy.
Thanks to all those that emailed me about PAMM accounts, I have your details and will contact you when it is ready.
And yes, this account is on a VPS ;-)
My account
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