MAM2-ClientMe (에 의해 CuongVC)
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MAM2-ClientMe 토론
Feb 21, 2020 at 05:18
Oct 01, 2009 부터 멤버
Thanks JForex78.
The result this cycle is more than I expected. Still need to keep the DD lower.
This is the sub-account of the vcc-MAM2 system. I do post more on that thread regarding to snap-shot of the account, explain some actions,...
Link to vcc-MAM2 system's discussion:,1
The result this cycle is more than I expected. Still need to keep the DD lower.
This is the sub-account of the vcc-MAM2 system. I do post more on that thread regarding to snap-shot of the account, explain some actions,...
Link to vcc-MAM2 system's discussion:,1
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