Live (Pip Brains) (에 의해 southernpitbull)
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Live (Pip Brains) 토론
May 18, 2010 부터 멤버
Oct 29, 2009 부터 멤버
Jun 12, 2010 at 21:51
Oct 29, 2009 부터 멤버
Careful dude... 300 bucks... at 0.1 standard lot... You don't have enough to cover a drawdown with such a martingale ea such as pip brains... Hopefully you only set one currency pair and not as displayed by Pipbrain of 2 currency pair.
Since you are with FXOpen... I suggest you open a micro account with FXOpen and trade 0.1 micro lots. Even with a micro lot with 300 bucks... I do not think it is enough. Might I suggest 1k on a micro account or at least 500 bucks.
Since you are with FXOpen... I suggest you open a micro account with FXOpen and trade 0.1 micro lots. Even with a micro lot with 300 bucks... I do not think it is enough. Might I suggest 1k on a micro account or at least 500 bucks.
NEVER say DIE!!!
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