KIKIROBOT (에 의해 GuruFxk)

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Oct 30 at 11:23
42 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Jan 30, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물18
Oct 30 at 11:44
I don't know why but i have seen your system appear many times on my dashboard. I don't know if you delete and re-add it again so it can always show up fresh.
Let me tell you, i have do much of EA testing and i know what is this. Just a trash thing. I know this is HFT EA from Royal Hedge, in ICMarkets demo market looking really great because there is no slippage inside the server. I have testing 20+ brokers and re-adjust the source code to make this EA works in live account, but the results is impossible.
Not need to trust me but, you can try it on ICMarket live account and it will swipe your account easily.

PAIR is US30 and You only start trade at 18.00 server time because if there is small movement, the EA will never give you anything.
I have doing so much experimental research in EA, so i mostly know everything.
Jan 30, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물18
Oct 30 at 11:46
If you share this monitoring to get demands from people, just stop it!
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