HotEA scalping lock
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HotEA scalping lock 토론
Jan 21, 2020 at 19:04
Oct 29, 2017 부터 멤버
HotEA Scalping lock use 2 Strategies that is HEDGING and AVERAGING.
Hedging strategies means As the name suggest, hedging in the same pair is done by opening new position in the exact same pair you have already opened before. This is the simplest form of forex hedging strategy, and sometimes called as "direct hedging".
Averaging strategy is the practice of unidirectional entry with multiple open positions. That is, if the first position is a buy or long position, then the next position is the same as just buy. Despite the floating minus, traders will continue to buy consistently until the price moves in the expected direction and makes a profit.
Hedging strategies means As the name suggest, hedging in the same pair is done by opening new position in the exact same pair you have already opened before. This is the simplest form of forex hedging strategy, and sometimes called as "direct hedging".
Averaging strategy is the practice of unidirectional entry with multiple open positions. That is, if the first position is a buy or long position, then the next position is the same as just buy. Despite the floating minus, traders will continue to buy consistently until the price moves in the expected direction and makes a profit.

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