GOLD 01 (에 의해 wssfx)
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GOLD 01 토론
Sep 24, 2010 at 06:07
(편집됨 Sep 24, 2010 at 06:08)
Feb 16, 2010 부터 멤버
This is "hold and hope" strategy. The only thing the owner relies on is the price of the gold will keep on rising. He has only buy trades, no SL and eventually someday when the price reverses.... BOOOM
He has kept a losing trade from 06.18.2010(buy @1259$) to 09.14.2010(almost 3 months) while on 07.28.2010 the price was 1156$. This is a ticking time bomb - a deeper correction or a trend reversal will wipe this account or at least wipe the profits.
He has kept a losing trade from 06.18.2010(buy @1259$) to 09.14.2010(almost 3 months) while on 07.28.2010 the price was 1156$. This is a ticking time bomb - a deeper correction or a trend reversal will wipe this account or at least wipe the profits.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Sep 29, 2010 at 16:19
Feb 16, 2010 부터 멤버
wssfx posted:
Well thanks for your comment... Let see what happen later with GOLD...
The fact that you're now in the right direction doesn't mean you will allways be. As I said given the fact that you have only buys this is "hold and hope" strategy. A deeper correction or a trend reversal will put you in a big trouble. In this world there are allways at least two directions.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Sep 30, 2010 at 00:25
Nov 24, 2009 부터 멤버
forexma posted:
wssfx posted:
Well thanks for your comment... Let see what happen later with GOLD...
The fact that you're now in the right direction doesn't mean you will allways be. As I said given the fact that you have only buys this is "hold and hope" strategy. A deeper correction or a trend reversal will put you in a big trouble. In this world there are allways at least two directions.
Thank you again. Yes i know what you mean. We only follow the gold up trend. If gold going down we dont sell it but we wait for buy trend appear again. Some of our buy positions will floated very long time (few months). As long we use free swap account it wont be a problem. Gold is a stable currency.
Trade for living can changes your life!
Jan 18, 2010 부터 멤버
Oct 23, 2010 at 03:15
Nov 24, 2009 부터 멤버
forexma posted:
I'm very curious to know why did you last update this account exactly before the deep correction began on October 14-th.
Updated, yes we have some floating positions but our margin still healthy :)
Trade for living can changes your life!
Jan 18, 2010 부터 멤버
Oct 31, 2010 at 10:33
Jan 18, 2010 부터 멤버
wssfx posted:
averagejoe posted:
Do you recommend using it with I wonder if they have a swap free account...
Alpari UK Classic account has GOLD + Swap free account.
I don´t think so. Alpari. uk do not offer a swap free account:
This bot only work good on swap free accounts?
Oct 31, 2010 at 11:43
Nov 24, 2009 부터 멤버
averagejoe posted:
wssfx posted:
averagejoe posted:
Do you recommend using it with I wonder if they have a swap free account...
Alpari UK Classic account has GOLD + Swap free account.
I don´t think so. Alpari. uk do not offer a swap free account:
This bot only work good on swap free accounts?
Hi Averagejoe,
FGT EA can works with non-swapfree accounts.
Trade for living can changes your life!
Jan 18, 2010 부터 멤버
Nov 01, 2010 at 09:03
Jan 18, 2010 부터 멤버
I check again and in fact seems to have a swap free option, but, it charge commission. What would be a commission acceptable to this ea? FXDD charge commission?
It would be better a swap-free account + commission or a non swap-free but no commission?
I check again and in fact seems to have a swap free option, but, it charge commission. What would be a commission acceptable to this ea? FXDD charge commission?
It would be better a swap-free account + commission or a non swap-free but no commission?
Dec 01, 2010 at 07:17
Nov 24, 2009 부터 멤버
hi forexma, thank you for your pray... please check
Trade for living can changes your life!
Dec 01, 2010 at 07:56
Feb 16, 2010 부터 멤버
wssfx posted:
hi forexma, thank you for your pray... please check
None of the accounts shows the equity curve, could you tell why? Few account are obviously in floating losses but equity curves don't show it, some bug probably.
No matter how pretty everything looks right now it will end some day, it may be tomorrow, after 3 months, after 1 year or more but it will end with margin call because THERE'S NO SL & RISK MANAGEMENT. This system remains "hold and hope" which means very vulnerable to trend's direction change.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Dec 01, 2010 at 09:20
Nov 24, 2009 부터 멤버
We dont use static SL, we use cumulative SL. If it hit 50% DD, we will cut it all. For now our aim is taking profit every month and wait the bad season later.
About equity please ask myfxbook, we dont know why...
About equity please ask myfxbook, we dont know why...
Trade for living can changes your life!

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