FxGanster (에 의해 kaysfx)
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FxGanster 토론
Jul 06, 2012 at 14:37
May 11, 2012 부터 멤버
Hello to all,
I am pleased to inform your that my system is going to run for probably 3-6 months depending on the result that i get. It is just going to be a preview of how i am likely to perform when i open up a pamm accounts where i intend to manage my own money and that of other interested parties. Feel free to monitor and offer any suggestions and constructive criticisms as to how i go about my trading.
I will also try my possible best to answer any questions that might come up within a reasonable amount of time as i am not glued to my pc and charts all day everyday. I trade less often with the intention of striving to be positive each month.
There is not promised profit target for the month. The goal is consistent positive pips each month.
Cheers to you all...
I am pleased to inform your that my system is going to run for probably 3-6 months depending on the result that i get. It is just going to be a preview of how i am likely to perform when i open up a pamm accounts where i intend to manage my own money and that of other interested parties. Feel free to monitor and offer any suggestions and constructive criticisms as to how i go about my trading.
I will also try my possible best to answer any questions that might come up within a reasonable amount of time as i am not glued to my pc and charts all day everyday. I trade less often with the intention of striving to be positive each month.
There is not promised profit target for the month. The goal is consistent positive pips each month.
Cheers to you all...
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