AND FX (에 의해 forex_trader_115641)
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Mar 08, 2013 부터 멤버
Mar 27, 2013 at 10:52
Mar 08, 2013 부터 멤버
hi !
This is not a single EA. This system is based on three strategies with different setups (2-3) in each of them.
You can see the perfomance of one of these strategies in my profile ( account SRD - conservative strategy for big value accounts).
So , my system is a complex of 3 strategies.
This is not my main account . AND FX (real account at Exness ) is a some sort of experiment ( for beginners with 300-500$ accounts) with much higher risk than usual.
But in general, I use my system in trading on my managed accounts with more conservative style.
This is not a single EA. This system is based on three strategies with different setups (2-3) in each of them.
You can see the perfomance of one of these strategies in my profile ( account SRD - conservative strategy for big value accounts).
So , my system is a complex of 3 strategies.
This is not my main account . AND FX (real account at Exness ) is a some sort of experiment ( for beginners with 300-500$ accounts) with much higher risk than usual.
But in general, I use my system in trading on my managed accounts with more conservative style.
Mar 31, 2013 부터 멤버

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