ForexOZ EA (에 의해 ForexOZ)
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ForexOZ EA 토론
Jul 21, 2010 부터 멤버
Oct 21, 2010 at 22:09
Jul 02, 2010 부터 멤버
We are not sure why we just noticed that as you pointed it out. We will get in contact with Admin, the only reason we can think of is because our updates weren't updating for a week or so. Turns out we had a secondary VPS running that we were unaware of which was affecting the MT4 publisher.
We will try to get this sorted.
Kind regards,
We are not sure why we just noticed that as you pointed it out. We will get in contact with Admin, the only reason we can think of is because our updates weren't updating for a week or so. Turns out we had a secondary VPS running that we were unaware of which was affecting the MT4 publisher.
We will try to get this sorted.
Kind regards,

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