Forex360 50K Promo (에 의해 tm_forex360)
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Forex360 50K Promo 토론
Feb 28, 2012 부터 멤버
May 09, 2013 at 13:53
Feb 28, 2012 부터 멤버
Welcome to Forex360 - 50K Promo Account.
We are a private boutique FX Managed Account Services Group. With a focus on short-term (10hr Avg. Hold Period) trading majors and spot metals. Our strategy focuses on a 10% ROI per transaction and maintain a max DD of 50% on the initial seed capital adjusted by watermark upon profit share intervals. Participation with us entails opening your own privately held account providing us with trading privileges within a LPOA agreement structure.
Profit SHARE is set at 50:50 and drops on a sliding scale at a rate of 1% per 10K funding increase with a minimum starting balance of 10'000 USD, to a maximum 20:80 divide in your favor.
invest 50'000 profit share will be 46:54 in your favor
invest 120'000 profit share will be 39:61 in your favor
We welcome your feedback and can be contacted by email or Skype
E: [email protected]
Skype: tmattar101
We are a private boutique FX Managed Account Services Group. With a focus on short-term (10hr Avg. Hold Period) trading majors and spot metals. Our strategy focuses on a 10% ROI per transaction and maintain a max DD of 50% on the initial seed capital adjusted by watermark upon profit share intervals. Participation with us entails opening your own privately held account providing us with trading privileges within a LPOA agreement structure.
Profit SHARE is set at 50:50 and drops on a sliding scale at a rate of 1% per 10K funding increase with a minimum starting balance of 10'000 USD, to a maximum 20:80 divide in your favor.
invest 50'000 profit share will be 46:54 in your favor
invest 120'000 profit share will be 39:61 in your favor
We welcome your feedback and can be contacted by email or Skype
E: [email protected]
Skype: tmattar101
*상업적 사용 및 스팸은 허용되지 않으며 계정이 해지될 수 있습니다.
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