Forex Scalpino-Anubis (New Settings) Stopped and restarted. Click "Discuss" for update. (에 의해 Anubis)
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Forex Scalpino-Anubis (New Settings) Stopped and restarted. Click "Discuss" for update. 토론
Aug 29, 2013 at 00:04
(편집됨 Aug 29, 2013 at 00:13)
Jul 20, 2012 부터 멤버
I stopped this system on August 4, and requested a refund through Paypal. This EA is a low winner, and definitely not as advertised. The refund request was denied by Paypal, even though it was made several weeks before the sellers 60 day limit. I then emailed the seller directly for a refund. Of course, no response. BUYER BEWARE!! I will keep this system up for awhile, for all to see. Their "60 day, no questions asked" guarantee is absolutely worthless!! I have reactivated it where it left off. A whopping $2.91 profit! LOL!!
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
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