E92 (에 의해 morgb)
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E92 토론
Sep 04, 2009 부터 멤버
Apr 01, 2010 at 18:21
Sep 12, 2009 부터 멤버
Hi There,
Yes this system is a Martingale spinoff most definatley, also using a 30 pip grid for entry and exit. Specifically looking for when the pair starts trending, then fading into the trade, doubling each 30 pip box if you like. The maximum number of doublers so far has been 7.
Tested for around 5-6 months as you can see from my demo account, the best starting account size is £1000, however as with all MG's its best to get off and running with some wins, otherwise were looking at some scary stuff (30% max DD recorded so far).
Will I trade it live ? good question :P dunno need maybe another 6 months forward demo to see what happens. Its looking good do far tho, and will it perform the same on a live account ? Million dollar question I guess.
Yes this system is a Martingale spinoff most definatley, also using a 30 pip grid for entry and exit. Specifically looking for when the pair starts trending, then fading into the trade, doubling each 30 pip box if you like. The maximum number of doublers so far has been 7.
Tested for around 5-6 months as you can see from my demo account, the best starting account size is £1000, however as with all MG's its best to get off and running with some wins, otherwise were looking at some scary stuff (30% max DD recorded so far).
Will I trade it live ? good question :P dunno need maybe another 6 months forward demo to see what happens. Its looking good do far tho, and will it perform the same on a live account ? Million dollar question I guess.

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