DirectionLess-Trading (에 의해 thesupremeforex)

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DirectionLess-Trading 토론

Jul 04, 2014 at 03:17
515 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Apr 25, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물248
Jul 12, 2014 at 13:30
Dear All,
To start new system as trades are closed on 11th July 2014 so you sharp drop of gain on 11th July. As such this direction less EA has made average 9% profit per month which is very good. Now I am starting new system on this account and you will see goog gain soon!
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Apr 25, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물248
Jul 15, 2014 at 06:47
Hi Readers!
I am out here in the market for business! My business is to benefit others and get residual income to survive in the retired life! Stay Tuned! For more!
I have 15 years’ experience as part time trader and now full time FOREX trader. I have tested more than 200 Expert Advisors on demo and live accounts and gained much experience with EAs and manual trading. I have designed my own EAs and some of them are profitable. I got education in Forex from world class traders in last 5 years and understood the market behavior and taking its advantage before it takes advantage of us. My gain in past happed to be 5% to 200% in a month. Lately I have maintained the records of some of my account on at
I have various systems based on risk appetite of the customers and expected gain. Once can select the system he like and I provide trading signal or trade in PAMM account accordingly.
For further details you can visit my web site at or
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