Devendra Sharma (에 의해 devendrasharma4u)
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Devendra Sharma 토론
Oct 10, 2012 부터 멤버
Oct 11, 2012 at 13:36
Oct 10, 2012 부터 멤버
I use weekly trading method most of the time
rest some time do scalping as get any oppurtunities....
1 hr / 4 hr / daily chart usually follows...
Some indicators , technicals & fundamentals etc
Rest I see others view to run my trade..
Best Regards
Devendra Sharma
rest some time do scalping as get any oppurtunities....
1 hr / 4 hr / daily chart usually follows...
Some indicators , technicals & fundamentals etc
Rest I see others view to run my trade..
Best Regards
Devendra Sharma
Manage Funds

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