DEMO - BB-INTRADAY (에 의해 doblece)
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May 26, 2010 at 02:03
Oct 10, 2009 부터 멤버
This is a variant of the MTF BB System only that there is no averaging down.
Scalping with entries based on 5 minute charts with a multi-timeframe setup (M30 - M5 - M1)
Transforming the trade in a longer term position with the trailings with aim to a 1:5 R:R.
Works in trending, counter-trending and ranging markets.
Presently only tested on AUD/USD, will soon workout the details for other currency pairs as to specific parameters for trailing stops, best BB and SMA settings and possible entries.
R:R expected: from 1:1 upwards.
Some rules and indicators:
Fixed trailing stop on entry at 20 pips distance and stops at B/E + 1 as soon as trade is more than 6 pips in the positive.
Only 1 trade open at a time, position size 1% of equity. Risk = 0.2% per trade.
Total risk per day = 0.8% of equity
Only 3 consecutive trades per session (sessi side of the market). Maximum 12 trades per day.
Maximum consecutive losses = 4
Aim of 0.5% daily.
Bollinger Bands (20) with 1.5, 2 and 2.5 deviations
SMA 34
SMA 200
NOTE: The first weeks I will be calibrating the best settings to be used thereafter, as well as testing "worst case scenario", so the results might not reflect a normal trading situation.
By now, this test is being run on AUDUSD solely.
I might start testing other pairs to calibrate their differences.
Scalping with entries based on 5 minute charts with a multi-timeframe setup (M30 - M5 - M1)
Transforming the trade in a longer term position with the trailings with aim to a 1:5 R:R.
Works in trending, counter-trending and ranging markets.
Presently only tested on AUD/USD, will soon workout the details for other currency pairs as to specific parameters for trailing stops, best BB and SMA settings and possible entries.
R:R expected: from 1:1 upwards.
Some rules and indicators:
Fixed trailing stop on entry at 20 pips distance and stops at B/E + 1 as soon as trade is more than 6 pips in the positive.
Only 1 trade open at a time, position size 1% of equity. Risk = 0.2% per trade.
Total risk per day = 0.8% of equity
Only 3 consecutive trades per session (sessi side of the market). Maximum 12 trades per day.
Maximum consecutive losses = 4
Aim of 0.5% daily.
Bollinger Bands (20) with 1.5, 2 and 2.5 deviations
SMA 34
SMA 200
NOTE: The first weeks I will be calibrating the best settings to be used thereafter, as well as testing "worst case scenario", so the results might not reflect a normal trading situation.
By now, this test is being run on AUDUSD solely.
I might start testing other pairs to calibrate their differences.
Still here. (shorter version of "Winners never quit and Quitters never win" :) )

*상업적 사용 및 스팸은 허용되지 않으며 계정이 해지될 수 있습니다.
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