Day Trading (에 의해 DayTrading_)

: 게인 +199.79%
드로다운 12.98%
핍스: -2637.7
거래 6389
원 :
: 종류 리얼
레버리지: 1:2000
거래 : 자동화

Day Trading 토론

May 15 at 07:14
191 개의 뷰
2 Replies
May 15, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물26
May 15 at 07:33
Let the pros do the work for you! Visit our dedicated team of professionals at
Let the pros do the work for you!
May 15, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물26
May 21 at 07:24
In our efforts we empower investors to maximize their portfolios to help them meet their financial goals responsibly.

By offering customized and sophisticated strategies, we help clients' portfolios grow organically and foster a trusted consumer-consultant relationship.

Having developed an expert advisor specifically for EURUSD and traded automatically on an hourly timeframe our results are astonishing.

Main goals are to provide passive income to new and experienced traders and diversify a majority of their portfolio to the pros.
Let the pros do the work for you!
May 15, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물26
Dec 17 at 18:22
Coming near to end of the trading year Day Trading Managed FX Accounts wishes all traders and investors a Merry Christmas and a profitable new year! We are closing in on 200% gains for the year and promise to remain humble and dedicated to our cause of providing passive income to our investors. Cheers to a new year!!
Let the pros do the work for you!
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