cwany*3 (에 의해 Male)
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cwany*3 토론
Oct 20, 2011 부터 멤버
Nov 25, 2011 at 08:42
Oct 20, 2011 부터 멤버
Haha, good answer! It's what i can afford to risk that's the issue. I invest (at most) £200/month into 'high risk strategies' (most of which fail), and although this EA looks good on paper, i have no idea if it'll work for me. I'd be happy to take a 50/50 gamble on taking an exciting EA to live, so at the moment, I'd be happy to put £100 up for an EA that looks half decent.
That being said, with you trading a £200k account, I'd imagine there's not going to be much of a deal here. It's just good to see a decent EA running on Alpari UK.
Best wishes though mate, glad it's going well for you.
That being said, with you trading a £200k account, I'd imagine there's not going to be much of a deal here. It's just good to see a decent EA running on Alpari UK.
Best wishes though mate, glad it's going well for you.
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