Contest - sergyus (에 의해 sergyus)
: 게인 | +5812.82% |
드로다운 | 15.45% |
핍스: | 610.5 |
거래 | 1030 |
원 : |
손실: |
: 종류 | 데모 |
레버리지: | 1:200 |
거래 : | 알려지지 않음 |
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Contest - sergyus 토론
Jun 15, 2012 부터 멤버
Jun 15, 2012 부터 멤버
Aug 07, 2014 at 06:40
Jun 15, 2012 부터 멤버
it's not "good work".. it's just gaming the demo price feed. Look at the average trade duration (~0-3 seconds.)
This kinda thing is pointless, unless the user likes the (brief) attention they get before their account is disqualified from winning.
The kicker will be if the user follows up with "BUY MY EA" kinda messages here..
This kinda thing is pointless, unless the user likes the (brief) attention they get before their account is disqualified from winning.
The kicker will be if the user follows up with "BUY MY EA" kinda messages here..
Apr 07, 2014 부터 멤버
Jun 26, 2014 부터 멤버

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