Contest - Globalvillage (에 의해 Globalvillage)

: 게인 +910.95%
드로다운 50.12%
핍스: 1764.1
거래 380
원 :
: 종류 데모
레버리지: 1:200
거래 : 알려지지 않음

Contest - Globalvillage 토론

Mar 13, 2014 at 01:42
549 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Nov 15, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물12
Apr 11, 2014 at 08:47
Hello GVillage,

I have studied your results and you seem to know the trading stuff.
What system do you use and is it auto?
Any real account results?
I am interested to know more about your trading and yourself .


Jan 07, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물3
Apr 11, 2014 at 11:40 (편집됨 Apr 11, 2014 at 12:05)
Hey Dealsmart,

Thanks for the compliments. I don't use auto systems. Every trade is manual and my system is Fibonacci based. This is my first ever competition and I had no idea the kind of results people get, but I'm very impressed to be one of top 10 out of 4000 competitors. Maybe on the next competition I will try to risk even high for much high return.

I do trade real account, but on that I don't push to make any more than 20 to 30% per month.
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