CONSERVATIVE_PERFECTt (server has changed. follow the new performance continue bellow this profile) (에 의해 fxsecure)
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CONSERVATIVE_PERFECTt (server has changed. follow the new performance continue bellow this profile) 토론
Sep 30, 2012 부터 멤버
Sep 30, 2012 부터 멤버
Dec 07, 2012 at 20:00
Feb 08, 2012 부터 멤버
Dear Marilo,
Yes, the correct URL is:
We have more systems than this one.
We dessign systems continuosly.
If you follow the website, you'll see very ofyen systems that once the Rsik department gives the ok, it'll be showend and this new system maybe wont be in this profile of Myfxbook.
We have several profiles and we have new partners that their systems are in our website and their Myfxbook we'll be in a new Myfxbook profile that it'll be controlled only for us, not for the trader.
So, It's better that you follow our web site.
Clients Department
Yes, the correct URL is:
We have more systems than this one.
We dessign systems continuosly.
If you follow the website, you'll see very ofyen systems that once the Rsik department gives the ok, it'll be showend and this new system maybe wont be in this profile of Myfxbook.
We have several profiles and we have new partners that their systems are in our website and their Myfxbook we'll be in a new Myfxbook profile that it'll be controlled only for us, not for the trader.
So, It's better that you follow our web site.
Clients Department

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