Competition account (에 의해 forex_trader_47717)
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Competition account 토론
May 08, 2012 부터 멤버
Oct 23, 2012 at 02:33
May 08, 2012 부터 멤버
27000 dollars is the minimum account size to trade envy on a 300 to 1 margin account. I survived the usd cad run because i wasnt underfunded. You simply cannot trade this system with small accounts.
War is when your government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure out, for yourself, who the enemy is.
Oct 30, 2012 at 12:44
Jun 24, 2012 부터 멤버
I am upgrading from Power 3 to power 3.2, I am wondering that it is normal.
Risk=1, My baselot is 0.01 using power 3 long, After I upgrade to Power 3.2, it automatic set my baselots to 0.02 for power long, Is it suppose to be like this? or their are some mistake?
Risk=1, My baselot is 0.01 using power 3 long, After I upgrade to Power 3.2, it automatic set my baselots to 0.02 for power long, Is it suppose to be like this? or their are some mistake?

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