Caesar, acc closed (에 의해 ovisun)
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Caesar, acc closed 토론
Apr 25, 2013 부터 멤버
May 10, 2014 at 02:09
Jan 27, 2013 부터 멤버
Hi Victor,
The risk is set by signal sender, togr, at 0.01 lot for every 500 base currency units. This excellent performance is due only to the broker, Pepperstone. Other accounts with same signal and different brokers have poorer results, still positive. You can check all clients of togr which are receiving this signal in his profile.
The risk is set by signal sender, togr, at 0.01 lot for every 500 base currency units. This excellent performance is due only to the broker, Pepperstone. Other accounts with same signal and different brokers have poorer results, still positive. You can check all clients of togr which are receiving this signal in his profile.

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