cacus_Abuelo_v3 Moved (에 의해 cacus)
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cacus_Abuelo_v3 Moved 토론
Feb 26, 2010 at 21:33
Aug 20, 2009 부터 멤버
That has hard to believe (FOMC and Fed rate change), a drop of 100 pips in less than 5 min... :O
All JadeFX demo tests will be restarted since JadeFX changed it's liquidity provider and so Live and Demo Servers...
Now they support micro lots but the leverage is reduced to 1:100. Let's see how the EAs behave in this new conditions...
All JadeFX demo tests will be restarted since JadeFX changed it's liquidity provider and so Live and Demo Servers...
Now they support micro lots but the leverage is reduced to 1:100. Let's see how the EAs behave in this new conditions...
Mental note: do not abuse.
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