Atmospheric Entry (에 의해 zhoufi)
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Atmospheric Entry 토론
Jul 03, 2024 at 22:28
May 20, 2022 부터 멤버
A brief description of the system
• BCR was founded in 1998
• BCR is an Australian CFD brokerage.
• BCR is regulated by ASIC, AFSL, FSC, BVI.
• The most fundamental principle of the market is that no trend can proceed without correction.
• There are points in the trend line, the market needs a correction to be able to continue its main trend again. These points are where this system comes in, so it is a major trend following system, but at some points the trend is correcting itself.
• It trades on all Major/Minor pairs.
• BCR was founded in 1998
• BCR is an Australian CFD brokerage.
• BCR is regulated by ASIC, AFSL, FSC, BVI.
• The most fundamental principle of the market is that no trend can proceed without correction.
• There are points in the trend line, the market needs a correction to be able to continue its main trend again. These points are where this system comes in, so it is a major trend following system, but at some points the trend is correcting itself.
• It trades on all Major/Minor pairs.

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