Alpa U$1000 1:100 (에 의해 carlost)
: 게인 | -99.71% |
드로다운 | 99.94% |
핍스: | 590.8 |
거래 | 74 |
원 : |
손실: |
: 종류 | 데모 |
레버리지: | 1:100 |
거래 : | 매뉴얼 |
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Alpa U$1000 1:100 토론
Oct 09, 2009 at 17:09
(편집됨 Oct 09, 2009 at 17:29)
Aug 24, 2009 부터 멤버
Give me a couple of weeks, because I'll make a document (free) explaining what I'm doing here and I'll post on fxstreet in Spanish first, then , later, I'll translate to English.
I think this system is ready enough to "bird"... and it's the most simple system I ever imagine... but woks wonderful until now
Me acabo de dar cuenta que eres español: entonces, Hola!!! desde el otro lado del mundo
I think this system is ready enough to "bird"... and it's the most simple system I ever imagine... but woks wonderful until now
Me acabo de dar cuenta que eres español: entonces, Hola!!! desde el otro lado del mundo
Motto??? Yes a chinese one.... KeeWay Land Cruiser :P
Oct 09, 2009 at 19:16
Sep 29, 2009 부터 멤버
si soy español, un saludo desde España y espero con ganas ese documento para ver como operas, ya que yo también estoy empezando a utilizar en pruebas el PA y me parece lo mejor que hay, tambien tengo mucha curiosidad de saber como utilizas el stochastico.. gracias
Oct 10, 2009 at 11:12
Sep 20, 2009 부터 멤버
I am interested in your EA/system. It seems to be working very well.
I have back tested and forward tested over 400 EAs and my criteria for a good EA is to be able to go right through 2008 without a wipe out. Normally 90% of robots will wipe out between October and December 2008.
I would be very interested in testing your EA. Could you please send me a demo to try?
I am interested in your EA/system. It seems to be working very well.
I have back tested and forward tested over 400 EAs and my criteria for a good EA is to be able to go right through 2008 without a wipe out. Normally 90% of robots will wipe out between October and December 2008.
I would be very interested in testing your EA. Could you please send me a demo to try?
"If you are less optimistic then you will be less disappointed"
Oct 21, 2009 at 15:22
Aug 24, 2009 부터 멤버
YEEESSSSSSSSSS It was done!!!!!!!!!!
and I win my first 2 bucks ahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just like my demo today, but with the proportionality coz' it's a micro account!!!!
In the demo...200USD at the real 2.07USD :P
Happy Happy
and I win my first 2 bucks ahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just like my demo today, but with the proportionality coz' it's a micro account!!!!
In the demo...200USD at the real 2.07USD :P
Happy Happy
Motto??? Yes a chinese one.... KeeWay Land Cruiser :P
Aug 31, 2009 부터 멤버
Oct 21, 2009 at 15:29
Aug 31, 2009 부터 멤버
HA! HA!! - Welcome to the TERRORDOME!! - Thats why I ONLY trade by EA. I can't handle the emotions of trading manually. I applaud anyone that can deal with the Highs and Lows of manual trading. I just cant handle the Greed/Fear emotions.
It ain't easy being Cheesy!
![rsalas rsalas](/userimages.png?uid=1784&id=2311&w=100&h=100)
Oct 16, 2009 부터 멤버
Oct 23, 2009 at 14:58
Oct 16, 2009 부터 멤버
Hola Carlos:
Me parece excelente tu sistema, podrias comentar un poco mas de como funciona, segun lo que comentas usas price action+ stocastico, buscas algun patron especial en el precio?, que timeframe usas generalmente?....y me podrias comentar donde puedo encontrar mas iunformación sobre price action, he encontrado varios sitios pero con información un tanto vaga .
Me parece excelente tu sistema, podrias comentar un poco mas de como funciona, segun lo que comentas usas price action+ stocastico, buscas algun patron especial en el precio?, que timeframe usas generalmente?....y me podrias comentar donde puedo encontrar mas iunformación sobre price action, he encontrado varios sitios pero con información un tanto vaga .
Oct 05, 2009 부터 멤버
Oct 24, 2009 at 00:28
(편집됨 Oct 24, 2009 at 00:43)
Aug 24, 2009 부터 멤버
Jajaja, ok ok..... ya le habia respondida a Rodrigo via MP,
En cuanto termine un pequenno proyecto en el que estoy, me comprometo a documentar lo que hago, aunque a decir verdad, me da algo de verg"uenza por lo simple que puede resultar seguir mi an'alisis.
En algun foro lei de alguien con mucha mas experiencia, que los mejores sistemas son aquellos m'as simples
As soon I finish a little project that I'm doing, I do my commitment to documentate what I'm doing here... but I get a little shame coz' it so so simple but works.
Somewhere in some forum I read from someone with much more experience.... The best system are the simple ones.
PS(espannol): Disculpen la falta de acentos y signos en gral.... me dio "paja" cambiar el teclado a espannol (linux/laptop/fluxbox)
PS(english): sorry for my poor english, It's not my native
En cuanto termine un pequenno proyecto en el que estoy, me comprometo a documentar lo que hago, aunque a decir verdad, me da algo de verg"uenza por lo simple que puede resultar seguir mi an'alisis.
En algun foro lei de alguien con mucha mas experiencia, que los mejores sistemas son aquellos m'as simples
As soon I finish a little project that I'm doing, I do my commitment to documentate what I'm doing here... but I get a little shame coz' it so so simple but works.
Somewhere in some forum I read from someone with much more experience.... The best system are the simple ones.
PS(espannol): Disculpen la falta de acentos y signos en gral.... me dio "paja" cambiar el teclado a espannol (linux/laptop/fluxbox)
PS(english): sorry for my poor english, It's not my native
Motto??? Yes a chinese one.... KeeWay Land Cruiser :P
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