4xphantom (에 의해 4xphantom)
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4xphantom 토론
Jun 18, 2013 at 08:52
May 21, 2013 부터 멤버
Hello friends i am a amateur trader still.My strategy is based on moving averages and Fibs I have a real trading account that makes me around 20%-25% a year.Though this strategy is sound and i have been trading for two years now.I am thinking of developing a new system that can generate anything from 10%-15% per week.My goals are to make a minimum of 100 pips a week and 15% return.I will be risking anything from 3%-5% risk of my capital.If i am able to get this system to run perfectly for 6 months from now I will go live.This idea came from a video on youtube which showssmiley that if you can gain 15% every week with a $1000 account after all the compounding you can make like $24,000 per month now wouldn't that be great.Please feel free to give me some suggestions to help me build my strategy.smileysmileysmiley
To be financially free
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