3000% (에 의해 Protektor)
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3000% 토론
Apr 26, 2014 부터 멤버

Feb 26, 2014 부터 멤버
May 31, 2014 at 11:50
Feb 26, 2014 부터 멤버
For new traders may think this is good system but any experience trader can see the problem here in this system .
Remember there 2 number you have to pay attention : Gain & Abs. Gain .
In normal condition this 2 number must be the same (The closer 2 number the more accurate about the gain ) .
The 2 number would be different if :
- The trader withdraw the fund .
- The trader keep deposit the fund in order to lower the Drowdown . (DD ) .
The first case if the trader withdraw fund is good and healthy .
The second case is bad bad bad for follower .For trader him self may be ok if he has fund to put more and more every time he has big DD .For follower if you dont have money to add in your account than you will be wipe out .
Imagine At first trader had $10 k than he has big DD against him . let say 50% DD , than he deposit $10 k so the DD will become 25% ... and so on to void big DD or account wipe out .And of course the Gain & Abs. Gain will be different over time .
In this account the Gain is +1202.29% . but the Abs. Gain is just +73.1% .
That mean the trader not even double the money he invest in yet .
Over all earn $73 % of your investment in 6 months is not bad .But not for followers .
Good luck guys .
Remember there 2 number you have to pay attention : Gain & Abs. Gain .
In normal condition this 2 number must be the same (The closer 2 number the more accurate about the gain ) .
The 2 number would be different if :
- The trader withdraw the fund .
- The trader keep deposit the fund in order to lower the Drowdown . (DD ) .
The first case if the trader withdraw fund is good and healthy .
The second case is bad bad bad for follower .For trader him self may be ok if he has fund to put more and more every time he has big DD .For follower if you dont have money to add in your account than you will be wipe out .
Imagine At first trader had $10 k than he has big DD against him . let say 50% DD , than he deposit $10 k so the DD will become 25% ... and so on to void big DD or account wipe out .And of course the Gain & Abs. Gain will be different over time .
In this account the Gain is +1202.29% . but the Abs. Gain is just +73.1% .
That mean the trader not even double the money he invest in yet .
Over all earn $73 % of your investment in 6 months is not bad .But not for followers .
Good luck guys .

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