Aeron7.1 2005 -100k Acc Profit 64k (에 의해 ForexSeeker)
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Aeron7.1 2005 -100k Acc Profit 64k 토론
Apr 20, 2010 부터 멤버
Sep 27, 2014 at 15:08
(편집됨 Sep 27, 2014 at 15:25)
Apr 20, 2010 부터 멤버
This is a Math EA where Risk Management is calculate very profoundly.
Totally is what I need to learn what grid of counter he apply to make the counter action to dance with the trend.
It seem Aeron already exist since 2010. Not sure what exact date the EA come out.
Why no one post Aeron EA result? Or most of it deleted?
This Latest version 7.1 is well code. A real math strategy EA.
The EA detect Autolot is different from Alpari.
Alpari it auto start with 0.15 Lot.
Peperstone auto start with 0.59 Lot.
With 3.93 multiply of Power, Aeron 7.1 still manage to survive.
Alpari get Profit 16k, Peperstone get profit 64k.
Exact the Power 3.93 effect. Risk Reward in ratio.
Totally is what I need to learn what grid of counter he apply to make the counter action to dance with the trend.
It seem Aeron already exist since 2010. Not sure what exact date the EA come out.
Why no one post Aeron EA result? Or most of it deleted?
This Latest version 7.1 is well code. A real math strategy EA.
The EA detect Autolot is different from Alpari.
Alpari it auto start with 0.15 Lot.
Peperstone auto start with 0.59 Lot.
With 3.93 multiply of Power, Aeron 7.1 still manage to survive.
Alpari get Profit 16k, Peperstone get profit 64k.
Exact the Power 3.93 effect. Risk Reward in ratio.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
*상업적 사용 및 스팸은 허용되지 않으며 계정이 해지될 수 있습니다.
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