canman888 posted: I am awfully sorry for this newbie question, I just started using MetaTrader and Bogie-Hedgehog-v4f and when I "Execute on Chart" I get these warnings/errors:2010.03.24 15:31:27 Bogie-HedgeHog-v4f GBPUSD,H1: removed2010.03.24 15:31:27 Bogie-HedgeHog-v4f GBPUSD,H1: uninit reason 02010.03.24 15:31:27 Bogie-HedgeHog-v4f GBPUSD,H1: deinitialized2010.03.24 15:31:27 Bogie-HedgeHog-v4f GBPUSD,H1: initializedAm I missing something here, are there som settings I need to adjust (I have accepted Auto-Trade in options and pressed the Expert Advisors), anything else I...