Contest - Fresco (による Fresco)
増加 : | -93.46% |
ドローダウン | 99.55% |
ピップス: | 160.0 |
取引 | 45 |
勝利: |
負け: |
タイプ: | デモ |
レバレッジ: | 1:200 |
取引: | 不明 |
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Contest - Fresco 討論
Jun 07, 2012からメンバー
12 投稿
Jun 07, 2012からメンバー
12 投稿
Jun 22, 2010からメンバー
5 投稿
Sep 19, 2012 at 09:14
Jun 22, 2010からメンバー
5 投稿
Sarkel posted:Probability001 posted:
.......When was the last time you went to a casino and won 15 times off the bat
Yes, that's right, he is doing something right. Just remember, with this kind of risk it takes only one wrong trade and all winnings will be gone with the wind.
You would only use such money management in demo or contest environment ,unless you are mad.
I agree the account will probably blow but it's someone who has taken risks that will probably win the competition
Would still like to see the strategy though