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Posts by forex_trader_27988
Need a programmer
Aug 12, 2011 at 01:43
they are saying that it only takes a minute to build the free energy device..no, of course you wont actually build the darned thing in a minute, lol..it takes me almost a minute to tie my shoes.they are saying that it is not that difficult to do.whatever.want to watch some cool videos?go to youtube.com and search for free energy and maybe search for free energy magnets..people are working on this stuff.i dont know how real it all is..but it sure looks cool.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gfMVUtKK_w
Need Trade Strategy
New Traders
Aug 10, 2011 at 06:53
i could also use a decent strategy.thank you.
Can the real traders please stand up
Experienced Traders
Aug 08, 2011 at 18:30
you never stop, do you...bruce, you are amazing...
Can the real traders please stand up
Experienced Traders
Aug 08, 2011 at 06:41
plz fedex it, priority one.i will hold my breath while i wait for it.http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ufQXJ8QPxQQ/S_YQP5-8kzI/AAAAAAAAA5s/9-bUxOVFZUc/s400/introvert.jpg
Can the real traders please stand up
Experienced Traders
Aug 08, 2011 at 02:06
just a little something that i was sitting here thinking about...chikot said something that keeps going around in my head...he said that he trades oil because it is a real commodity..unlike gold, which he doesnt trade, that is just a worthless shiny metal..omg..do you honestly think that you are trading real oil?do you get oil on your hands?do you have even a quart of oil in your hands?is gold just a shiny metal?sure.go out on the street corner, have 1k of oil in your left hand and 1k of gold in your right hand..place for sale signs on each, see which sells first for 1k..neither, probably..try...
Can the real traders please stand up
Experienced Traders
Aug 08, 2011 at 01:33
i remember logging into the oanda forum last christmas...it was the day before christmas..i had not a nickel in my pocket..i had hardly a crumb of bread to eat.i was starving for food.i talked about this in the oanda forum..i was not really asking for anything.i was just thinking out loud.i was talking about my work and i was talking about the fact that i am not a quitter.bruce margolese took this as an opportunity to kick me.he told me how he was sitting around with his family and that he was stuffing food into his head..bruce is no sweetheart.bruce is a dog.bruce is a heartless criminal.do n...
Can the real traders please stand up
Experienced Traders
Aug 08, 2011 at 01:23
Anatomy of a Teen Tragedy Three friends met at the railroad tracks. Two ended their lives. What were the girls thinking? Their own words offer a hint.May 16, 2010|By Mari A. Schaefer, Maria Panaritis, and Joelle Farrell INQUIRER STAFF WRITERSEditor's note: In the weeks after two teenage girls from Delaware County committed suicide in February by stepping in front of an Amtrak train, The Inquirer interviewed dozens of friends, relatives, police, public officials, and school personnel in an effort to reconstruct how this tragedy took place and to help understand the causes and recognize the ...
Can the real traders please stand up
Experienced Traders
Aug 07, 2011 at 23:44
omg, i am so coming over...i will flip a quarter to see who goes first..whoops, i win.btw, i like to leave on my underpants... just a heads up..z/.http://2pep.com/funny%20pics/laughing%20humorous%20pictures/super_funny_cute%20images_36200cbcc2b06e6a284b80d5d4335c4e.jpg
Can the real traders please stand up
Experienced Traders
Aug 07, 2011 at 23:08
the samaritans are worthless.if you are ever feeling like offing yourself and you wanna try on a pair of handcuffs, they are the folks to call.that is all that they will do for you.the first thing that they do is they figure out if you are armed, the cops will wanna know this..the next thing they will do is use their caller id to figure out where you are located..and then they call in the cops.they do nothing for a person that is suicidal.period.allow me to clarify that i mean no disrespect to the police, they have a very difficult job to do, and they are not babysitters.people that have calle...
Thoughts on upcomming US credit default.
Aug 04, 2011 at 02:59
my thinkiing is that if they are any good, they might buy the u.s. and then turn it around.selling iipods is one thing..turning around an entire country requires real skill..z/.
watch this video. can be interesting
Experienced Traders
Aug 04, 2011 at 00:34
i just blocked you..no need to thank me..z/...
Thoughts on upcomming US credit default.
Aug 03, 2011 at 22:51
well then, why dont they do it?
Monte Carlo based EA
New Traders
Aug 03, 2011 at 21:13
i appreciate your work, simply due to the fact that you are doing your own thing..good luck.
crystal castles.
Aug 03, 2011 at 19:11
i just thought that i might share with you a little something that i enjoy using..it is a very simple indicator..it enhances your ask line, turns it red, it does, indeed it does..you will see a blue line... this is your average or breakeven price... if all trades are closed on the chart, the blue line will sit on the bid price..also, there is a white line... this is your average or typical price.. average price=(bid+ask)/2;the source code contains a couple of functions that are not being used, fyi.i have included both the source and compiled code.place the files in /experts/indicators .. happy...
coding the input data for a pre fixed values, howto?
Aug 03, 2011 at 03:56
or, you could get really fancy and write a DLL that opens/runs a custom written windows application that has a data entry screen on it..that would be cool..that way, you would have complete control over the data entry process and the error checking of the entered data.have fun.i use dev-cpp to write my DLL's, download the one with the mingw stuff.http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/devcpp.htmlit is a free/donation optional windows C language ide and compiiler.z/..http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/images/main-thumbnail.pnghttp://www.forex-tsd.com/metatrader-4-mql-4-development-course/3395-create-your-...
A Honest journal
Experienced Traders
Aug 02, 2011 at 22:13
i just thought that i might share with you a little something that i enjoy using..it is a very simple indicator..it enhances your ask line, turns it red, it does, indeed it does..you will see a blue line... this is your average or breakeven price... if all trades are closed on the chart, the blue line will sit on the bid price..also, there is a white line... this is your average or typical price.. average price=(bid+ask)/2;the source code contains a couple of functions that are not being used, fyi.i have included both the source and compiled code.place the files in /experts/indicators .....
coding the input data for a pre fixed values, howto?
Aug 02, 2011 at 11:20
or, you could store them in a disk file and then read them frrom thata fiile..
coding the input data for a pre fixed values, howto?
Aug 02, 2011 at 11:19
not sure that i understand your question, but i liike to use the globalvariables to store/set variables...see:globalvariableget and globalvariableset functiions...you can view all current global variables viia TOOLS -> VARIABLES or by pressing F3.good luck.
Looking for Good Forex Traders To Trade My Capital
Experienced Traders
Aug 02, 2011 at 08:56
JUST A WARNING...SIR GOODMAN IS BRUCE MARGOLESE.BRUCE CAN NOT TRADE.BRUCE HAS ONE ISSSUE ON HIS MIND..DEFRAUDING YOU OF YOUR MONEY.CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED.ZERO/.Everybody is getting rich thanks to me: Bruce Margolese He showed me around his penthouse apartment. His apartment was on the top floor of this modern high rise. "I am a commodities broker. You know what that is?" I shook my head no. "I make millions for my investors. They love me."He showed me his Large Screen TV and satellite system. He then started showing me the x-rated channels which did not interest me in the...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Experienced Traders
Aug 02, 2011 at 03:04
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3hr-QbmquQi am sure that many are confused to the point that they lose interest when they see me posting messages that are only read by me..i am, quite siimply, thinking out loud.pretty simple..and, besides that, the majority of you are pretty much not capable of keeping up with me anyways...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRVwpBns5R4
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