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Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Sep 27, 2011 at 23:07
i have a strong feeling... for fixed lotsize inorder for it to run or actually place trades... slippage cant be at 0.5 because its impossible well impossible for me because i cant have a 0.5 slippage on a 4 digit broker...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Sep 27, 2011 at 21:56
Whoa... you're telling me it never traded on accounts with fixed lot sizes?? how come?? im just curious because im running it on Tadawulfxbut i havent seen any trades made today... and i cant seem to see the open trades on this official bot page as its privated... so i have no idea if its suppose to not trade today or anything... any help would be appreciated... it sounds like this bot can only work with non-fixed spread brokers... :( frustrating...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Sep 27, 2011 at 12:57
Curious, has anybody tried this bot on a fixed spread of 2 pip?? curious if it would do well with a fixed spread instead...and has anybody been profitable from this bot in real account??
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Aug 01, 2011 at 15:28
@betowm, what im curious is how on earth did your FGB placed Longs... seriously none of my demos even my real running FGB even on this Live Stat account of FGB alone had any longs... been holding FGB shorts all day...i have a feeling you need to run a bit more tests,, because something is not functioning properly on your side.... im running FGB on a dedicated server so all my trades are the SAME as the one shown in this demonstration....
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 31, 2011 at 12:21
lol buddy... compared to the bluechip investment out there who only garuntee 20-30% per YEAR... yes friggin 41% in 2 months time is amazing...
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 31, 2011 at 08:12
@PakFx, another nice week from FGB, now i wonder how this EURUSD long on FGB is gona play out this week sure want to see profit....
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 22, 2011 at 01:27
GO GO FGB, beautiful revenge day from FGB...its quite hilarious some other guy was dissing about FGB when it made a huge loss on NFP day... that guys a retard... doesnt even TEST a robot out to determine if its bad or not...
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 09, 2011 at 07:49
In case you do not reaslise how dumb you sound... this robot functions based on the volatility, the reason why its been placing trades up and down was simply because the market was absolutely volatile right after the NFP release, guess what experts also found the NFP report awful to trade with...The fact that this robot has ran over 6 months and NFP from the past 6 months didnt dent the account one bit... only the latest shocker did... and guess what i am glad this robots Risk Reward ratio is nearly 1:1 there are some robots out there you wouldnt believe your eyes when you see they make only ...
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 09, 2011 at 01:54
Heres another thing i worry... if theres are still some open trades when i turn off the bot (where bot settings are Internal Controls True) does it mean the Bot will not be able to close these open trades because TP and SL are not set.... and bot is turned off... when bots are turned off can they still manage the still running open trades??
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 08, 2011 at 17:15
anyone here reckon the next version of forex growth bot need a feature to combat against whipsaw actions??
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 08, 2011 at 16:58
Right im just curious is there a way for FGB to avoid high impact news??
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 08, 2011 at 16:34
been running this ea this week but i got absolutely burned today because of th NFP report, poor FGB doesnt know what trades to enter... if only theres a feature that would Let the EA continue running but not enter any trades on the day of NFP... its not hard to build that in, just needs FGB to read from a source where it can tell the bot that theres NFP today then the bot would disable trades for the NFP day...otherwise its been a great bot, i need some ones comment, Guys, i need a real record that FGB performed well despit having an NFP in June, can anyone tell me what their total pips is fro...
Contest - mydad
Trading Systems
Jul 08, 2011 at 09:42
This is god damn ridiculous, i thought this was a forex competition why are people tradign stock indexes... this is fucking unfair...
Contest - alexisleon
Trading Systems
Jul 05, 2011 at 17:28
Good god, an index trader here... this is scary...
FxTyrant Scalper Bot
Trading Systems
May 08, 2011 at 14:24
@ForexMatt: yea i wish i could have the time to tweak my rules..@bonco_gordo: Hi bonco, welcome to the discussion, unfortunately the bot is not really a bot, but rather an indicator i wrote that will give me a signal when the rules are met, here are the rules, sooo basically when the rules are met and price touches the EMA10 for an entry, a popup message will ask me if i want to enter the trade or not, and it will do the Set TP = 10 pips for me, just rather than keeping an eye as price touches for entry and having to press Place and order, press Sell or Buy then Set Tp 10 all manually...Here a...
FxTyrant Scalper Bot
Trading Systems
May 07, 2011 at 18:09
yea i am still kinda thinking as how to get the best out of it... you can try a trail stop of maybe 25 pips to start offand this trail you can make it to follow the price up pip by pip after you reached + 10 pips that should work i think, well just start a demo and try it out...for the time being im still looking at other things whether if EMA 10 and EMA 144 would be the best
FxTyrant Scalper Bot
Trading Systems
May 07, 2011 at 17:25
Yea welcome to the chat, well the reason why i called this strategy the "walk the dog" strategy is plainly because of how the performance comes out, as trades uses only 10 pip TP and no SL Set, you can literally hold on to the trade forever until your account takes that profit or run negative as long as you want, it would be MOST BENEFICIAL to have a broker that doesnt charge swap or interest overnight.This system is particularly dangerous if you dont know money management manually, say for an example you have a 10000USD account, playing a trade of 0.25 lots is 2.5 USD per pip so you...
FxTyrant Scalper Bot
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 20:03
Welcome discussions,Been newbie, but only trading with a set of EMA rules
Trade Notification
Suggestion Box
Apr 26, 2011 at 20:38
When a trade opens let myfxbook detect it and notify me via email, or whatever method wwe prefer, most preferably RSS feed or something on an iPhone that gives you these notification as a push notification...
New Publication Method - Outstanding!
Apr 26, 2011 at 20:36
Absolutely amazed, glad to know it works so well using it myself and keep up the good work...
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