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I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Mar 12, 2013 at 07:01
So what has changed to indicate you have improved on achieving negative profits each month you traded previously??Once in a bad habit usually but not always it's hard to get out of it.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Mar 09, 2013 at 01:13
I cannot reward you for being stupid or predicting others are as stupid as you. The only thing I can code is your stupidity I will never get that wrong and since you know so many that make a living out of trading and they are so close to you and you can't explains why you're a total failure. You are too much of a failure to see who is successful and who is having you on. Now crawl back to the rock you were under punk 😁
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Mar 09, 2013 at 00:17
I would say your mommy but seeing your great manners one wouldn't wanna go through that same turtore that was inflicted on your lack of brains
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Mar 08, 2013 at 19:11
show me how :D
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Mar 08, 2013 at 18:55
Firstly I'm not your friend nor anyone elses and what you think is irrelevant lowie so understand I will only insult when provoked.I only use their software here to get statistical info about a system and hence analyse it mathematically.I'm not here to give you and any of your cronies any useful info ... try getting that from your daddy he made you not I. I'm not here to teach you nor anyone else but I will observe your behaviour and what crap you throw out in public that forms the basis of your existence here and anywhere else.This is not an education forum or is it? You want it ...
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Mar 08, 2013 at 17:57
Is this a demo contest or something?As for Chikot if you see so many dick swingers why not go elsewhere? Or are you looking to suck on them or something?Any forum attracts scammers in fact about 97% of forum visitors are scammers.. do you think any of these junkies if they had a working system they would be here wasting time or selling up and putting their life savings on it.The only worthwhile person her is fxguru and he knows how difficult it is to have a CONSISTENT working system.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Mar 08, 2013 at 10:07
"20 million DEMO dollars. Fantastic! Can I see your DEMO BMW and your DEMO yacht?"Can you see his demo mansion too ?lolWhat a demo life!!!
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Mar 08, 2013 at 07:08
your DD is as big as your debts...come back its it's safer
MyTradingPros-Master (Full lots)
Trading Systems
Mar 02, 2013 at 22:49
LOL are you kidding or what? You think everyone is stupid enough to not see what you did?YOU PUT CONTROL POINTS to deceive the people which produces results you want rather than truthful ones plus it's demo as well as hiding trade sizes to recapture your losses and your DD is so big people abroad can see it etc etc.Amongst other faults this will blow your account in no time hence why you haven't wagered your life savings on it. All these are your strong points and your system is as crappy as the one your comparing it to.Go look at the last few months of the system you're comparing ...
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 28, 2013 at 19:36
That HUGEEEEE 44% trade saved him on this occasions but he wont be on for long. The fact that he has hidden the balances says alot or any inportant info in regards performance. I estimate no more than 3 months lol but his real money losses are entertaining its a shame the wager is small.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 28, 2013 at 19:32
cedric if you werent so fat and dumb you wouldn't be trying to show it. As for the dark ally I would make you like your trading history except it wont matter if dark or not to me. Now if i were stading in front of you I would be calling you much more I wouldnt refrain In fact loser I would reduce you to the poop hole you are. So in future low life if I bore you or anyone go cry rather than make false pretences or at least do something worthwhile with your pathetic life.You see how much you and your trannise scare me?
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 28, 2013 at 12:16
LOL i've seen many live accounts idiota.. the broker will show what they want not what is real. The fact your here and not sold your house to trade with them is enough proof they are as useless as you.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 28, 2013 at 12:04
Fx Master is Tha Guru is right... fully not partly
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 23, 2013 at 20:42
You Changed the system implies you don't have a working system freakzilla and you want investors in a NEW system you are testing to lose their money or to be as stupid as you and blew their accounts?You have a track record for being a loser so IF you ever become a winner no one will believe you lolYou are desparate to lose other peoples money!
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 23, 2013 at 15:54
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 23, 2013 at 12:29
Why would you withdraw and start another account when you can continue to trade the same account and grow it LMAO!...When something doesn't make sense it usually is a lie but who cares about your scams and lies, they are meaningless to someone that can see through you.I like your eagerness to try and produce something you're failing badly at. Your short cuts and lack of due diligence leads you to the starting point each time lolYou are entertaining!
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 23, 2013 at 01:06
What happened to your old account ? Blew up? Hmmm seems you got more accounts then the entire country lol
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 21, 2013 at 13:48
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 21, 2013 at 13:23
hmmm for 5 months out of your 7 you sat on almost zero profit lol no wonder you hide your performance... then you got a lucky run for 1 or so week and now it's a champ? FFS lolI love a good freak show
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Experienced Traders
Feb 21, 2013 at 13:22
hmmm for 5 months out of your 7 you sat on almost zero profit lol no wonder you hide your performance... then you got a lucky run for 1 or so week and now it's a champ? FFS lolI love a good freak show
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