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Trading Systems
Dec 29, 2010 at 10:04
Thanks for your kind words my friend, at least i can have one positive from this horrible day. The thing that makes me grit my teeth is knowing that all i had to do was nothing (no manual trades and leave my EA alone) and i would of woke to a nice profit present waiting for me and my investors. (i could of been out dancing lol) Hopefully, i will learn a real lesson here. I don't think anything is higher probability to trade off of then momentum and that is what my EA is built on. Manual trading is too damn hard. We often try to trade off things other than momentum, like counter trade...
Trading Systems
Dec 28, 2010 at 21:33
December 28TH – The Day of the DrawDown I feel I must document this event for future reference.I am quite depressed today and feel like a total idiot. About 30% of the time I manually cancel pending orders issued by my EA or take profit or losses early. This is not particularly bad in itself, though based on my experience so far doing so has actually decreased my profits as seen on this account.Last night, however, I crossed the line, and took out manual positions against the signals of my EA. After Euro Yen ran up last night and then “pulled back” I was sure another run u...
Former MANAGED Account
Trading Systems
Dec 28, 2010 at 21:32
December 28TH – The Day of the DrawDown I feel I must document this event for future reference.I am quite depressed today and feel like a total idiot. About 30% of the time I manually cancel pending orders issued by my EA or take profit or losses early. This is not particularly bad in itself, though based on my experience so far doing so has actually decreased my profits as seen on this account.Last night, however, I crossed the line, and took out manual positions against the signals of my EA. After Euro Yen ran up last night and then “pulled back” I was sure another run u...
Trading Systems
Dec 28, 2010 at 06:55
We recovered all our losses today. I will see this as the first sign of good luck. Both accounts are in sync and we are long spread throughout this current pullback (more like a sell on rally). This market is bad right now. I'm changing pullback configuration. I'm still shooting for our profit target of 3-5% up by the end of the week. That would be a 10% gain though this week and that is tough in this market. Let's see.
Trading Systems
Dec 27, 2010 at 21:14
A difficult decision comes to me on Sunday afternoon in terms of deciding when to turn my EA on. I almost always wait for Asia to come in and liquidity to increase. This Sunday we suffered a gap down that jumped over my breakeven stop for the long and closed the position with an instant 75 dollar loss. I said the ATC platform had charting issues but I found out the difference was because ATC did not cut off trading until 5 pm Friday, so charting was for an additional 17 hours past FinFx, resulting in a different chart configuration that tricked me (if I would have had my system on on Friday...
Trading Systems
Dec 26, 2010 at 23:48
Folks, i have to say, i was blaming finfx for not notifying me about the closing time on Thursday, but it was really my responsibility to find this information out. Most of my other brokers would send out emails, but I dropped the ball on this one.Please note that the ATC account is again experiencing charting problems (missing a large block of time) so EA trades will not be synced between the accounts until who knows when. I will contact ATC about this issue.
Trading Systems
Dec 26, 2010 at 22:18
Well, thanks to FinFx’s failure to notify their clients that they would be shutting down trade at 11pm on Thursday, I was stuck in the long on Euro Yen (ATC allowed me to close the trade). My stop was at breakeven. And as the market has gaped down at the open the long was instantly closed out for a loss because when price gaps over the stop loss it is closed out at the first nearest print (I tried to move the stop but it happened too quick). So we get a 1.5% loss to start the week, but I truly believe we will be up 3-5% percent in the green before the end of the week. Amazing we can&...
Trading Systems
Dec 26, 2010 at 08:47
Could you tell us who your broker is?Best wishes in the New year Wayne
Searching for good Managers
Experienced Traders
Dec 25, 2010 at 21:11
I was talking to the creator of this link who is looking for a manager. Sorry if you thought I was addressing your company.Wayne
Searching for good Managers
Experienced Traders
Dec 25, 2010 at 09:16
Good luck on finding the best Manager. I think i can produce profits for my investors, but no outrageous claims. Just base your decision on following a select number of traders who are using real money and who are organized in their trading approach. That would be my advice.I invite you to track my progress and consider my trading strategy.CheersWayne
Trading Systems
Dec 25, 2010 at 08:24
HOLDING OVER THE WEEKENDI was planning on cutting off the EA, but I also noticed the Yens had found support in London, and,after 5 days of throwing down the Yens we seemed ready for a rebound. Did you notice how hard and fast London threw down the Yens right at London open Thursday morning, and yet they would not fall much further (after 5 days)? This is support demonstrated IMO.So I cut on my EA and it wasn’t long before we were in the long on Euro Yen on both fin and atc (exact entries). I was aiming for a short term profit target at the 15 minute 200 ema -- about a 30 pip trade...
Trading Systems
Dec 23, 2010 at 23:22
Hey Duzyfx, the reason I'm moving my funds is because I need to consolidate my focus and i need the equity to open another managed account. It is too hard for me to engage in manual trades for my own profit along with my managed accounts. So i will be moving my manual trades to a new finfx MIXED account that will be a managed account for my EA and my manual trades together. All manual trades will be only in this 2nd managed account and for me and my investors. A managed account at fx open requires 5 k to start. It is only half that at finfx.I don't really have an opinion about fxo...
Trading Systems
Dec 23, 2010 at 21:51
I finally have all issues and settings worked out and matched between FINFX and ATC accounts. Today's trade was exact between the platforms. This is what my investors want to see. I will likely keep the EAs off until after the weekend as the market is oversold, low in liquidity, and ripe for a potential reversal on the Yens. The conservative approach is the best way to go.Seasons Greetings to AllHope everyone enjoys some time with friends and family
Leo Trader Pro
Trading Systems
Dec 23, 2010 at 21:44
Hey friends, I have not read all the discussion there (but I have read a lot), and for me the low price is a problem like Solar keeps talking about. Can anyone who has purchased the EA tell me if there is an explicit guarantee of unlimited use and what about future updates? In other words, is there any possibility that this company could be getting clients in the door for the low price and then in the near future may say something to the effect of "we are going to a subscription service now which uses our "latest" version and this will now require a monthly fee, etc." Of...
Trading Systems
Dec 23, 2010 at 20:41
I stopped trading on this account around December 15 2010. I moved this money to my second managed account at FinFx where i will mix my manual trades with my EA trades only on this second account.
Trading Systems
Dec 23, 2010 at 02:45
The FINFX account was the winner today, generating a positive trade for 1.2 % account profit. My ATC account put me in late to the trade because ATC had a 5 hour period of chart gaps last night and this threw my emas off. Interesting how being put in 18 pips late made a difference between success or failure.I also created my second managed account at FINFX today and will have it on fxbook next week. I will confine my manual trades to that mixed account and it will be fun to compete against my EA. I think i can add another 15% monthly profit to the account with manual trades, but time will t...
Trading Systems
Dec 22, 2010 at 11:31
1.3% loss tonight from my manual trades. No more manual trades on this account. I realize my investors did not join me because of my manual trades, but rather because of the performance of my EA. It has been very frustrating having bad luck and my stochastic feature making me miss 3 winning trades in the last 3 days (while my ATC account has had all the good luck) so I have tried to make up the slack with manual trades the last two days on this finfx account (and this market sucks). I will not continue this strategy on this account anymore. Zero manual trades.To satisfy my desire to take ...
Trading Systems
Dec 21, 2010 at 19:10
As of 2 PM December 21, 2010 I am cutting off the stochastic feature that has been causing me problems. I woke up today to see that my ATC EA had put me in a successful short while the FINFX EA had not. I then realized I cut off the stochastic feature on the ATC account a day ago to compare differences. So this was trade number 3 in only a few days that this stochastic feature (which backtesting has told me helps profit) that has made me miss out on profit for my investors. Jprize gave me good advice to not be too reactive based on a small time window, but I have noticed a pattern over th...
Trading Systems
Dec 21, 2010 at 09:50
What a day in forex. 3 changes in momentum. After abandoning the short trade the EA put us in, the long looked promising due to the obvious breakout, but when the move fizzled out I jumped out of most positions at breakeven. The long then looked promising again leading into London, until Moody’s made their announcement of a threat to downgrade Portugal and the EuroYen dropped like a rock. So much for the long trade.My ATC EA happily stayed out of the whipsaw volatility today, but finfx got us in a short early that had me trying to play catch up with selective manual trades that would...
Trading Systems
Dec 21, 2010 at 03:50
When I woke up today the EA had put me in short on euroyen (the first order that would have been profitable was again canceled because of my stochastic feature I am trying to get changed). ATC did not put me short as the technicals were slightly different (it was a close call). Anyway, I was not happy about another short as the pair has fallen so much already, but I held through consolidation. Asia then came in and seemed to send the message of time to go long (with what I consider a breakout candle on eurousd), and with a boj press conference on the docket I decided to manually intervene a...
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