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December - Closed
Trading Systems
Oct 30, 2012 at 03:07
Just a suggestion.You might consider put your live cent account in Trade Fort, Their bonus is almost real while XEmarket 's bonus is fake.Beside, Trade fort spread is lower than XEmarketBoth broker's data are very fast.Trade fort has free VPS for deposit more than $1,000 Unforturnaty, Trade fort is not regulated, so no big money.Trade fort has server problem once awhile.
December - Closed
Trading Systems
Oct 29, 2012 at 22:09
It is Cents account, it shows $136 on FXbook chart, But it is really 13,600 cents, Do not put $136 to run it, it will blow up your account.Also, Just one thing to warn user of XEmarket, They don't like Forex Envy because it keeps on modifying basket orders and it overloaded their server, as most Grid martingale EA will modify basket, you never know they like it or not, may be, they fix their server overload problem now.This EA looks pretty good, reasonable profit and low DD, most important, you look at long/short won are higher than other EA, beside, profit factor is amazing 5-6, it is har...
Forex Envy v3.2 Ultra/Power
Trading Systems
Oct 29, 2012 at 16:03
Hi tnedham:What you are saying is right for general EA, I would like to explain little bit more detail.I am very new, I have been testing Forex Envy for couple months, I blew up my big accounts few times but at the same time, Forex Envy's showcase big accounts did not blew up.I spread my live big accounts to small accounts, I find that it produces same return but lower risk because, When crisis came, It didn't happen to all accounts, also some brokers are more friednly to Forex Envy, by filtering those high DD broker, my small accounts seem slightly safer and it passed few crisis rece...
Forex Envy v3.2 Ultra/Power
Trading Systems
Oct 27, 2012 at 03:18
I am newbie and do not know Forex very much, I know that I have to keep on learning.I am wondering than power 3.2 that How many level it has? Still 15 or 16?I am using power 3 and thinking to upgrade to Power 3.2 and hoping that it has level 16.I saw that Power 3.2 account blew up with short cycle USDCAD crisis, and all money gone.I was very lucky that my power 3 ( 3 accounts but only 2 had USDCAD crisis) all pass recently short cycle USDCAD crisis with small profits, it will become 4 accounts in few days because smaller accounts seem safer than one big account.I looked at other skillful Envy ...
Trading Systems
Oct 23, 2012 at 23:41
Thanks for your reply with detail funding requirement, I am user of Forex Envy, It is very complicated to compare 1:100 to 1:500 account for live account, They behave quite different with different EA.I am very new in FX world for few months.For 100,000 Cents = $1000 account with 1:100 margin, For Forex Envy live trading, I might be wrong, it will have same results as 65,000 cents=$650 account using 1:500 margin or higher with slightly less DrawdownJust make it simple, Higher margin account is better with slightly more return and slightly less drawdown.Cent account broker are not very good bro...
Trading Systems
Oct 22, 2012 at 01:11
Hi trick or Treat:It is nice that you open all trades from your demo, I look at your history trades, I find that your EA has some strange functions, Should be good, but not 100% sure.On today history, It had couple AUDUSD trades, It started with 0.01 lots, 0.02 lots 0.03 lots.. 0.14 lots, Suddently, It jumped to 2.4 lots then 4.2 lots, Is it supercharge = 0n?, it really boost income but not sure how much risk involve.Also on Oct/16, Market was bad for grid martigale EA, it closed couple pair both buy basket as well as sell basket in lost but overall breakeven, Was it done by its safe fuction...
Get More Barrels
Trading Systems
Oct 20, 2012 at 03:02
Hi Nmi:I am newbie, I am user of Grid martingale EA, Forex Envy, Etc, They are too danger, so I am looking for more friendly EA.I am using Pepperstone, They allow scalping with very low spread but very fast high price spike, Will it work well with your EA?Thanks
Trading Systems
Oct 20, 2012 at 02:41
I really want to know how much money needed for this EA to run?, Any backtest ?AlsoYou should also add some IB broker on your webpages, it is small money, but after few months, they will not be small money and enough to pay for some small expense.
Trading Systems
Oct 20, 2012 at 01:31
If I uses 5 pairs as you, by 0.01 lots standard, how much money I need?Thanks
Forex Envy v3.2 Ultra/Power
Trading Systems
Oct 19, 2012 at 06:47
I am user of Forex Envy from July, It was bad timing, my account was slightly underfund, It blew up while other user no problem.I was lucky that my account passed Sept/16 bad market, Why? My account have 50% more fund than requirement, it passed Sept/16 with high DD.Hi YoungChang, You meantioned that you had 7.5K with 5 pairs with 0.01 lots, I might be wrong that you was underfund like me, I had 13K in account /0.01 lots and it blew up while other account with 18K passed, I blew 2 accounts because underfund problem. I must say that Forex envy is a danger EA with high return, If there are oth...
TotalGrid Crazy
Trading Systems
Oct 10, 2012 at 15:50
Sorry to hijack "Totalgrid" forum.Hi sDek4X, After using Forex Envy for awhile, I figured out those small account tricks naturally, It is cumbersome to maintain many accounts but it is safer, Forex Envy has limited licenses to do it, but Totalgrid doesn't have this limitation, This trick works for TotalGrid as well.Regarding scalping using Forex Envy, I will stay away with this, If you believe that LV short pair is danger and Long pair is safer, Then scalping is extremely danger, Unless it is able to connect to news server and stop trading before big news and able to stop tradin...
TotalGrid Crazy
Trading Systems
Oct 09, 2012 at 23:23
I am Forex Envy user from July, I was margin call twice with live accounts and money was gone, I am still running it and it have performmed very well during Sept, I had one account recover but hoping that it will recover all soon.I am TotalGrid user as well for 2 months, I have live accounts on Hotforex, Pepperstone, XEmarket, TradeFort from 4 weeks to 7 weeks with profit from 35% to 55%, Although Pepperstone has the lowest spread, Both pepperstone, XEmarket, Tradefort perform quite close, while Hotforex is the worst one in order of profits.Today, Both Pepperstone, Xemarket, Tradefort account...
TotalGrid Crazy
Trading Systems
Oct 04, 2012 at 19:38
D4amenace: I find that it takes time to understand those new functions, it is little bit danger to fooling around with real money, Also I know that there are more new functions in newer version which is more confusing, I hope that they can give US longer time for Demo before the real IB version.
TotalGrid Crazy
Trading Systems
Oct 04, 2012 at 13:28
I tried tihs EA on different brokers, Hotforex, XEmarket, Pepperstone, Their results are quite different.I have been testing them for 2+ weeks, It is little too short to say anything, Each broker has 2 accounts. Basically, 2 accounts on same broker with almost same results. but broker VS broker are quite big different.Hotforex - The worst one, Both accounts make less money and also, always get caught in high level which mean that it is unsafe.XEmarket - So far, it has the highest profits but it seems that it get caught in high level once awhile. so not very safe.Pepperstone - It doesn't ma...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Systems
Oct 02, 2012 at 12:34
Hi Paltalk:I am very new in this Forex game, I am looking for another EA as well, I don't like those extreme martingale EA, When market go wrong way, they can lose big money.I got offer of private scalper EA, He showed me 99% win backtest data but I am not interested in it unless he can show me live data.I have been in Forex for few months, I find that in order to make some Money,- you need a good EA.- Also you need a good broker.For Good EA, As Forex Envy blew up their show cases accounts, both Power and Long only accounts, they are not a good EA anymore, So I am still looking for better ...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Systems
Sep 30, 2012 at 04:02
Correct me, If I am wrong, For last 3 months, Long pairs went to level 14 3+ times, It is the main pair than blew up Forex Envy show case live accounts recently. If your guy want to run Forex Envy again, Please re-think about that "It is safe" to run long pair only.It might be safer to run "power 3 Short pair" because They FATP them before news which make it start at bottom of Grid and safer.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Systems
Sep 28, 2012 at 15:15
Hi PalTalk:I haven't use TradeFort , it seems good broker, not really sure where the problem is anyway.I find that MT4 is a very poor platform, I am running them in my computer so I am able to monitor what is going on, Yesterday, I had one live account in XEmarket, for whatever reason, It switched account number from Live to another demo account by itself, it was extremely danger to my money.I had this negative baskets problem both for Forex Envy power 3 and Totalgrid 1.43 on AUDUSD in XEmarket,I told both Forex envy, nothing change, I told TotalGrid at 1.43, He told me that he did somethi...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Systems
Sep 27, 2012 at 23:57
Wow, Willgard, not sure what your setting is, you are doing so well, I don't do as well as you, Recently, it is real good week for Forex Envy power 3, I have 2 accounts running them, They make the most profits ever with very low DD for me, I splited them from 2 accounts back to 3 accounts and it looks like than they can make enough money for next 1 week and I will split them into 4 accounts.I am also running Totalgrid as well, I am running them with small money account where Forex Envy not safe to run, it does higher DD but one account return 50% in 3 weeks and one account return 33% in 1...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Systems
Sep 20, 2012 at 22:12
Thanks BeaBull for HV longs suggestion, I will think about this.Thanks Theadham for your reply, I wish you good luck for your health as well as your money problem.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Systems
Sep 20, 2012 at 02:25
I am wondering How many people here are really Forex Envy power 3 user?Although it blew some of my live accounts, but My alive accounts did make pretty good profits, They made near 40% profits in recently week which were near 2 months profits.May be I am little lucky?, I have recovered near 70% of my lose accounts now.However, What do I gonna do now, Should I trust that Forex Envy again? Run Forex envy or not run Forex envy power?If you have any good idea, Please let me know.
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