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Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 07, 2010 at 20:40
OK. Please set the the GMT_Offset parameter correctly for further use. Please always take a look to the market calendar. The NFP is the most important news for USD . I think most of the traders know it.Let see what happens on monday.
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 07, 2010 at 13:46
You should change the GMT_Offset parameter. It's so easy to understand. I suggest you to read the manual first. It's so easy to use. We are honest and such words can't stop us. Be sure about it.
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 07, 2010 at 04:22
Why don't you set the GMT_Offset parametere right?The EA shouldn't open any position on that time for you. You have turned on the EA exactly before NFP news. Why don't you read the manual first?
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 06, 2010 at 09:42
Dear JprizeI've sent you a new version which has been modified for IBFX.The EA is the same but I've set the "Hide_SL' parameter to true and also raised max allowed spread to 3.5 pips. It should work well. Please test ot and let us know the result.Regards
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 06, 2010 at 08:01
Dear JprizeWould let me run the EA for you? Let us make sure every thing is ok.Regards
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 04, 2010 at 18:17
I'm really sorry for you. Check your email. In the last email before you buy the EA I have told you these words "Our products are not free to try"I'm not worry about any thing because I've many customers who are satisfied with our EA and also our support. I'm really sorry to talking in this way but you are the real lair. You can say any thing about us but we still continue our work and will open a new real account soon and prove how our EA works.I suggest you to learn more about MT4. Most of your problems was about setting the EA which is really simple.Regards
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 04, 2010 at 15:06
Dear JprizeYou are not honest. You have sent us several email and we have answered all of them to make you satisfied and solve your problems. All traders know that an EA result may be different on different brokers. You easily call us liars ...The money back guarantee was only for our last EA (Tortoise 2.1) . Be sure we have never published any thing about money back for this EA. We even haven't lucked our EAs which means you can use them on several accounts. We did that because we always trusted you and all of the customers.We are honest enough to share our EA live results and answer to t...
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 03, 2010 at 19:38
Dear StevePlease just wait for some days. We appreciate your patient till then.RegardsMQLHome Group
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Aug 03, 2010 at 18:42
Dear TradersWe have opened a real account to test the EA but we still continue testing the EA on this account too.Thanks for your attention.Best RegardsMQLHome Group
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Jul 31, 2010 at 22:03
Dear JprizePlease notice that this EA may open a position when the spread is below than 2.5 pips. There are many things that may cause difference between the EA results on different brokers. Please contact our customer service to get more details.Thanks for your attention and wish you best trades with our scalper EA.Best RegardsMQLHome Group
Tortoise 2.1
Trading Systems
Jul 27, 2010 at 15:09
Thanks for your comments.We use all of them to improve our service.RegardsMQLHome Group
Tortoise 2.1
Trading Systems
Jul 25, 2010 at 12:06
Dear ElkartThanks for your advise. We have stopped selling this EA.RegardsMQLHome Group
Tortoise 2.1
Trading Systems
Jul 24, 2010 at 23:05
Dear ElkartThere are many commercial EAs on the net but as you know most of them don't show the real result of their forward test to their visitors. Be sure that most of our customers are satisfied from our EA. We can't tell that our EA is the best but at least we are honest enough to publish the real result and try to make the EA better and send the new versions to the customers.We have tested this EA many times on several brokers before we start to selling the EA. We are still working on it to make it better. We will test the next version on a real account.Thanks for your attention....
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Jul 24, 2010 at 22:54
Dear jprizeYou are completely right. We are going to test the EA on a real account soon.Thanks for your attention.Best RegardsMQLHome Group
Tortoise 2.1
Trading Systems
Jul 24, 2010 at 19:20
Dear ForexmaThanks for your attention. This account DD is not acceptable for us and also for our customers so we decided to stop selling this EA. Till now we haven't received any email from our clients about any big loss on their accounts. Be sure that we really don't like to just sell the EA. It's so important for us to make our customers satisfied. We appreciate your attention and we try to create the new EA soon and test it on a real account on a famous broker.Best RegardsMQLHome Group
Tortoise 2.1
Trading Systems
Jul 24, 2010 at 00:00
Dear FomaccWe have stopped the testing this EA on demo account. We are working on the new version and also we will test the next version on a real account.Thanks for your attention.Best RegardsMQLHome Group
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Jul 17, 2010 at 12:51
Dear kobebeefThe SL point is always fixed but the TP point may changes.Best RegardsMQLHome Group
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Jul 17, 2010 at 12:48
Dear CruzsurfnWe have tested the EA on different brokers to see how the result changes for 2 weeks. Here is our result:Although the EA gain was positive for all of them but the EA had best performance on the brokers witch don't filter the prices. We recommend our clients to use the famous and honest brokers. Best RegardsMQLHome Group
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Jul 12, 2010 at 15:33
Dear SteveSorry for delay ,I'm subscribed to this topic but I don't receive any email when there is a new discussion.And about your question. We have used several indicators on this EA. specially its 3 custom indicators have made the back test so slow. We tried to move the code of the indicators to the EA but when we tested the new EA the result was different.Most problem is that when the EA is taking the back test, its speed goes more and more slower.We try to find a solution for this.Thanks for your attention.MQLHome Group
Smart Scalper 1.1
Trading Systems
Jul 07, 2010 at 13:51
Dear kobebeefThanks for your suggestion. We try to use a real account for testing our EAs on future.Best RegardsMQLHome Group
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