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5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2015 at 12:58
@FxMasterGuru Its now boring you so predictable...jealousy is sickening 😝You have ZERO PROOF to any of your ranting 🙄-30% AND GREATER IS EXPECTED DD WITH OUR "HL VIP" offering as it is 4x Risk...especially for the small $$ you are referring to 😉 But we don't expect you to grasp that since its already been repeated at least 6 times - take your ADD meds 😲Frontrunning 😁 more funny assumptions...Love the way you can say that the MOST PROFITABLE PUBLIC SYSTEM ON MYFXBOOK over the last 6 YEARS is for the bucket...that's truly hilarious, y...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2015 at 14:16
Please clarify how much is a "big investment"? and are you a "big investor or trader" and therefore can substantiate the difference you stated? Depending on which liquidity providers are used, larger orders are usually filled more efficiently.For some $30k is big, for some it is $ millions...everyone is different. We have Clients from both of those categories. Some years ago our PAMM accounts were $1millon; however we mostly direct these large accounts to institutional solutions, which are non-Mfb compatible. That said, some of our clients and ourselves recently even h...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2015 at 14:15
I wouldn't pay much attention to "guru's" reply. IF he actually knew how to generate profits in this market he would. As you can imagine after trading like this for over a decade we actually know what we are doing. Did our previous post stating our 4x risk / leverage (aka HL VIP), clear this up? Here is an extract from that post:We have 2 SEPARATE OFFERINGS WITH DIFFERENT RISK PROFILES as can be seen by the account names on our Mfb. 'VIP' vs 'HL VIP':1. 'VIP' = 'normal leverage' VIP trading: for LARGER DEPOSITS...as stated on our profile, ...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2015 at 09:56
As mentioned, go phone a friend if you don't know how to calculate an average...Simple (repeat): Add all the months' results together and divide by total number = +5.4% for -9.5% Maximum DD in 4.25 YEARS. The final trade on that account took place in Feb 2014...if you had viewed that same myfxbook on 1 March 2014, it would have shown exactly +5.4% average, but every day after that the average will reduce due to the mentioned glitch, even though the account has not updated for over a year as it is closed.Mfb's calculation is correct for CURRENT ACTIVELY TRADED ACCOUNT, but Not for...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2015 at 07:31
There is nothing necessarily wrong and its a legal strategy. We a bit too profitable at too quick a pace, which is the brief answer. We do use brokers that can be trusted and are highly recognised. Thanks, "guru's" response to you was thorough enough, apart from at the end where he goes off an a tangent about "destroying the strategy edge etc etc", which is not really the case as we have means of controlling most of those factors, plus as you can see from our results, we have only improved over the years. Our suggestion when it comes to these types of concerns is to...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2015 at 07:31
Mfb probably took it down as it's too good to believe, shame on Mfb, think of the many thousands of hits we have sent to your site 😉Wow 'guru' you are so kind, thanks! Clients weren't notified about our 6 Year Mfb Anniversary...why do marketing...imagine dealing with 'gurus' all day...one is enough and we prefer to focus on making us and our Clients $$.""losing 30% in 30 minutes:"" Here is our final long response to your friend's loss:We still haven't heard from your friend (or his IB). We also responded to your story the first tim...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2015 at 07:27
Why are you so scared of stating that we have met the criteria? You deserve a medal for denial. INCORRECT again and if by the end of this post you honestly don't understand what you doing wrong, then its pointless discussing this further with you. EVERYTHING was stated accurately in the FIRST post AND repeatedly since then (even 2 posts up we reminded you that you would need to correct the Mfb glitch in order to calculate the accurate monthly average, but it seems to be beyond your abilities!)...if you READ and CHOOSE to SEE THE OBVIOUS ERROR in Mfb's monthly average calculations on...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2015 at 20:04
@FxMasterGuru Stop being pathetic...how old are you? Either 110 or 12. First you cannot read, now you cant open a document or click a link...More spoon feeding, here is the link with 51 months 5.4% per month for 9.5% DD: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ubertrading/ftk-4207/222343Next you wont be able to add up each months profits and divide by the total...sorry you cannot even start babypipsschool without that kind of basic education...Now the market is open and some have got $$ to make...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2015 at 08:08
We didn't realise we would have to spell this all out repeatedly when its all there in the first post...maybe now you understand why we are fine with focusing on our own funds and that of our existing Clients...imagine dealing with burnt-blind sceptics all day long, no thanks, you can't pay us enough.We are Not here to look for your recommendation or approval, merely to state our claim, which is FACTUAL - we met the criteria YEARS ago. Many others will have the capacity to see our claim as the truth. You just need a bit more spoon feeding in order to lift up the blinkers...so here we...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
May 31, 2015 at 08:46
@FxMasterGuru Our strategy DOES (not "probably") fulfil the statistics you were looking for, again you CHOOSE Not to SEE or cannot humble yourself enough to acknowledge. We provided a 4 YEAR verified myfxbook with a reputable broker, which gained over 5% per month for less than 10% DD, No Grid, No Martingale (repeat). Show us ANYONE else that can vaguely compare even to just that one of our many verified PAMMs...you wanted one and we provided it, you should be ecstatic...you have waited years to see this... Do you get it? Do you realise how significant that realisation is? Or is i...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
May 30, 2015 at 20:27
To set it straight, we would like to clarify and prove that Forex Manager Team's 'VIP' trading has achieved 5% per month for less than 25% DD for MANY Years. No martingale, No grid!In fact, our one PAMM at a highly recognised broker achieved, over a period of 4 YEARS! an average profit of +5.4% per month with only -9.5% maximum DD.Our combined statistics for our PAMMs and 2 of our Clients achieved, over a period of 6 YEARS! an average profit of +8.6% per month with only -12.3% maximum DD. Attached is a breakdown of the statistics and the accounts are public, along with many more. A...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Experienced Traders
May 01, 2015 at 07:52
What insight are you referring to?! - Do you hear our VIP clients complaining about our YEARS of service? No. Yet some are willing to judge based on limited experience and without contacting us for clarification...that is not entirely fair or just lazy.- Every one of our accounts are fully verified with reputable, well regulated and even NYSE listed brokers. If you want us to 'double verify' some accounts, please let us know what more do you expect from us and we will try accommodate. - In order to improve performance, we manage every account separately and therefore no longer off...
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