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Automated systems with 95% profitability - can this be true ?
Experienced Traders
Apr 17, 2015 at 21:21
"You can't take a guy ", Why should anyone take me anyway at all? Do you think I am going to be trading for you? I can post a live account, and have but I have learned in the past that you really don't care about what is, and all the work that I would do for you would just be in vain. I have seen the naysayers come and go on this forum. Check my membership date. I've got you guys down to a T. Seriously Kid, don't take me serious, I don't want your business. It is true that I, well not me personally, will release 5,000 copies but I really don't care who g...
Automated systems with 95% profitability - can this be true ?
Experienced Traders
Apr 17, 2015 at 12:53
I will repeat "People get brainwashed into one way of thinking and have a difficult time seeing some other way of doing things. "I have been doing this since April 2008 and we have had many so called black swan events but still solvent. However, I knew there would be one that had to say, that since you are showing a demo, oh and it isn't verified, and there must be some kind of a trick or someone is intentionally trying to rip someone off, Or any number of other such things to try to discredit something that they don't understand. It's a Robot, for emotionless computer p...
Automated systems with 95% profitability - can this be true ?
Experienced Traders
Apr 16, 2015 at 14:20
You can do even better than that, RISE http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexAssistant/rise-audcad/578913uses the fact that currencies have to stay close to their counterparts, (the basic stuff in fundamental trading) and always trades towards the center. It never closes the trade but instead calculates the worst case scenario and has enough in the balance to cover for it. Its a different way of trading that is much safer than the way technical traders do it though it doesn't pay as well when compared to technical traders that happen to be winning. People get brainwashed into one way o...
What is PAM and Money Manager?
New Traders
Apr 16, 2015 at 13:39
I have a similar question. Are robots not considered a PAMM because they don't take a percentage of the profits or is it a fiduciary thing? See I think robots have some benefits that make them superior to human traders. Human traders tend to make more money than robots but no one has ever told me what happens if the human trader dies, goes on vacation or goes insane. Humans have to sleep, eat, go to movies. There can't be any consistency when factoring in human error. So, how do you protect your portfolio when using PAMMs? Just diversify a lot? We even do that with robots that n...
Some help would be appreciated
New Traders
Apr 10, 2015 at 15:08
No this is too silly of a thing to go getting miffed about, which one did you want me to verify?
Some help would be appreciated
New Traders
Apr 10, 2015 at 02:23
No, that 53% is for 21 months, I usually say 25% a year to be a little on the conservative side. The other one is around 10 to 12% per year. These programs were intended to compete favorably with dividend stocks or annuities favored by retirees. So my market is those who want to quit working and do something else, not professional traders. However, I do see the wisdom in diversifying, I do it myself. Only, may I ask that you go to Mary's website for prices and such? I love to teach or sit and talk theory til the cows come home but for some reason, business and I don't get along, ...
Some help would be appreciated
New Traders
Apr 09, 2015 at 22:18
"That system you have there..why isnt it Verified? "No particular reason, it just wasn't important to me. I do research so I go through a lot of accounts. Most things don't work. Verification just means that myfxbook sends you a pending order, you put it in to your mt4 and it shows up on your myfxbook ledger. If anyone buys a program or doesn't even look at a program because of that, they deserve what they get. I will say again, if you don't know how something works, don't use it. Robots that don't tell you how they work are called a black box. If you know...
Some help would be appreciated
New Traders
Apr 09, 2015 at 18:45
Dave, who were you directing that question to?
Some help would be appreciated
New Traders
Apr 09, 2015 at 18:27
Either way requires a knowledge of its operations and some consistency. That is where human fail. I can go along for quite awhile but sometime, sooner or later, I lose my edge. I get tired, I begin to lose until I have to quit. What value is there to all that stress. Stress kills people, makes them sick, ruins your day. What amount of extra profit is considered adequate compensation for dieing early? That's why God made robots, they work so we don't have to. I admit swing traders can make more than 25% a year but again I have to ask, at what cost?http://www.myfxbook.com/members/...
Martingales; Good, Bad, or just Misunderstood.
New Traders
Apr 06, 2015 at 00:30
A martingale series is doubling the last try that failed. Martingales are mostly used as a recovery system when the first try goes wrong. When you don't close the trades until the combined total is positive that is price cost averaging. Averaging this way is more of a system. You are not recovering as nothing has yet been lost, so averaging is more system while just the martingale is just a type of recovery system.
Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?
Experienced Traders
Apr 02, 2015 at 12:06
"15 year track records",Oanda took the first trade for a non millionaire in the summer of 2001. The forex spot market did not exist before that. 4/15 - 6/01 is less than 14 years and I doubt your trader was the one that was first. Back then, you still had to have hundreds of thousands to work with or you couldn't get in. Unless of course you guys want to change history too, in which case this forum has become fantasy island and all conversation is basically pointless. Actually since we can not agree on basic definitions further conversation on any point is rather pointless. S...
Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?
Experienced Traders
Apr 02, 2015 at 05:13
"Please upload your account into ForexFactory, you will understand very quickly!!"No,no I really wouldn't. I told you I am not a trader like you. I see no reason to be concerned from moment to moment. If you opened a trade with the take profit of 20 pips, would you say to your clients at 19 pips that your profit is, what ever 19 pips greater than the balance is? You would be misleading them unless you closed the trade right then. It isn't anything while the trade is open. It is in a potential state, not a state of existence. It has the potential to be a profit or loss but ...
Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?
Experienced Traders
Apr 01, 2015 at 22:37
"Who would risk all money when same results can be achevied on guaranteed bank deposits. "Where can you get 25% a year on bank deposits? I know where to get 10% but that won't last long, lets say it never has. But to answer the question who would use it? Me for one, but I never wanted to be a hotshot trader, I just wanted a steady income that I could rely on. I got that now. Have several EAs to diversify my holdings. Usually have real estate as well but as I am relocating, I got ride of all my US holdings. These super safe robots are a good addition to anyone's portfoli...
Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?
Experienced Traders
Apr 01, 2015 at 20:29
You are working from a premise that I can't agree to. Why would I have to sell my house? If I am the trader, then I am the one who decides when to close my trades or sell my house. Since I have no intention of closing trades that are in a temporary draw-down, any more than I would dig up my potatoes until the leaves are brown. A farmer plants a field of corn, now he went into the hole a bit to pay for the seed but he hopes to have it all back again when the harvest has come. So how much money does the farmer have? A lessor amount because he bought the seed from his balance. Now inste...
Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?
Experienced Traders
Apr 01, 2015 at 19:32
The problem with that is some systems use the balance as a buffer. I have to start with $5000 Because that is part of the system. We could have withdrawn all the profits and the system would still be trading fine. The price won't stay low like this for long. Every system has it slow times, this is the time for the audnzd. In fact the audnzd is setting a new record low. And as bad as it is, we are not in any trouble what-so-ever. Lets talk about this equity question in a month or so. You're really trying to get myfxbook to set the percentage of profit based on the equity instead o...
Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?
Experienced Traders
Apr 01, 2015 at 18:10
OK real figures, Passive Income Generator profit % Mo, % Drawdown Balance Equity Equity % Profit Pips Deposit AverTime Opened+53.36% 2.02% 32.43% $7667.82 $5300.10 (69.12%) $2667.82 6521.1 $5000.00 2d Jun 30, 2013The equity is still greater than the opening balance of $5000. Currently it is 5300 / 7667 = 69% (not 10%) Of course it is going to turn around, when I don't know but we are still making money. Only one side is locked up at the moment. Now don't get me wrong, I don't give a rats ass whether you guys want to ma...
Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?
Experienced Traders
Apr 01, 2015 at 16:41
May I ask what the hell you are talking about, This system is currently in the worst drawdown that I have ever seen. The audnzd has broken below its historical low and we still are not above 50% draw. I have no idea what you are looking at but the link above is 2% a month, Over 25% a year. Now that may not be enough for you but we are over 53% in 21 months and the balance line is showing constant profits..
Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?
Experienced Traders
Apr 01, 2015 at 12:43
Well here is something that you can compare with.http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexAssistant/passive-income-generator/685841Whether it beats your GG is a matter of opinion. I like the fact that my systems don't lose, that may not be as important to others.Bob
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Experienced Traders
Mar 30, 2015 at 20:09
I do not believe that. There is no one pointless. We may disagree as to what that point is but their very existence makes the point. We are all part of this big mess we call life. Like me or hate me, we're the same. We all come from the same stuff. We all exist out of the same source. That makes us closer than biological brothers because these bodies are limited in time but you and I are linked forever in time because of this simple conversation. We exist, that is the point. When you hurt me, you hurt you because we are all part of the one... Some times it takes a long time to figure ...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Experienced Traders
Mar 30, 2015 at 15:32
Well, since I have spent the last however many years on the forum here as a hobby, let's find out what the audience thinks. Here is the situation, you can download a program free. You can try it on your own computer on a demo account free for as long as you like. Now the only data that you have to work with is what is on your computer but that information looks really good to you. Now the question, would you not purchase the robot because you didn't see it working on a real account?Bob
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