XAUJPY Exchange Rate

Gold vs Japanese Yen Exchange Rate (XAU to JPY)

Bid/Ask: 0.00/0.00
Daily range: 0.00 - 0.00
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Interest Rates

Japan Bank of Japan 0.25% 0.25% 32 days

Latest XAUJPY News

BoJ Keeps Rate Unchanged For Third Straight Session

BoJ Keeps Rate Unchanged For Third Straight Session

The Bank of Japan left its key interest rates unchanged for the third straight session on Thursday as it awaits more information on spring wage negotiations amid higher uncertainty over the US government policies. At the policy board meeting, members voted 8-1 to maintain the uncollateralized overnight call rate to remain at around 0.25 percent. This was the highest since late 2008.
RTTNews | 3 days ago

XAUJPY Exchange Rates Analysis

XAUJPY Historical Data - Historical XAUJPY data selectable by date range and timeframe.

XAUJPY Volatility - XAUJPY real time currency volatility analysis.

XAUJPY Correlation - XAUJPY real time currency correlation analysis.

XAUJPY Indicators - XAUJPY real time indicators.

XAUJPY Patterns - XAUJPY real time price patterns.