USDZAR Exchange Rate


Dolar AS vs Rand Afrika Selatan Exchange Rate (USD to ZAR)

-0.33% -613.7 pips
Bid/Ask: 18.57382/18.63519
Daily range: 18.54856 - 18.70549
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Latest USDZAR News

U.S. Construction Spending Unexpectedly Dips 0.2% In January

U.S. Construction Spending Unexpectedly Dips 0.2% In January

Construction spending in the U.S. unexpectedly edged modestly lower in the month of January, according to a report released by the Commerce Department on Monday. The Commerce Department said construction spending slipped by 0.2 percent to an annual rate of $2.193 trillion in January after climbing by 0.5 percent to a revised rate of $2.196 trillion in December.
RTTNews | 1 day ago
U.S. Manufacturing Index Edges Lower But Still Indicates Modest Growth In February

U.S. Manufacturing Index Edges Lower But Still Indicates Modest Growth In February

A report released by the Institute for Supply Management on Monday showed its reading on U.S. manufacturing edged slightly lower in February, although the index still indicated growth in the sector for the second straight month. The ISM said its manufacturing PMI slipped to 50.3 in February after rising to 50.9 in January, but a reading above 50 still indicates growth.
RTTNews | 1 day ago
Chicago Business Barometer Jumps But Still Indicates Contraction In February

Chicago Business Barometer Jumps But Still Indicates Contraction In February

A report released by MNI Indicators on Friday showed its reading on Chicago-area business activity jumped by much more than expected in the month of February but continued to indicate contraction. MNI Indicators said its Chicago business barometer shot up to 45.5 in February from 39.5 in January. Economists had expected the Chicago business barometer to show a much more modest increase to 40.6.
RTTNews | 4 days ago
U.S. Consumer Prices Increases In Line With Estimates In January

U.S. Consumer Prices Increases In Line With Estimates In January

Closely watched readings on U.S. consumer price inflation increased in line with economist estimates in the month of January, according to a report released by the Commerce Department on Friday. The Commerce Department said its personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index rose by 0.3 percent in January, matching the increase seen in December as well as economist estimates.
RTTNews | 4 days ago

USDZAR Exchange Rates Analysis

USDZAR Historical Data - Historical USDZAR data selectable by date range and timeframe.

USDZAR Volatility - USDZAR real time currency volatility analysis.

USDZAR Correlation - USDZAR real time currency correlation analysis.

USDZAR Indicators - USDZAR real time indicators.

USDZAR Patterns - USDZAR real time price patterns.

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