Currencies | Correlation | |
1 | NZDJPY - GBPCAD | 53.5% |
2 | NZDJPY - USDCAD | 48.6% |
3 | NZDJPY - USDRUB | 45.2% |
4 | NZDJPY - GBPAUD | 35.4% |
5 | NZDJPY - USDZAR | 29.9% |
6 | NZDJPY - NZDUSD | 27.6% |
7 | NZDJPY - USDSEK | 27.4% |
8 | NZDJPY - AUDCHF | -26.7% |
9 | NZDJPY - EURJPY | 25.4% |
10 | NZDJPY - SEKJPY | 24.3% |
Currencies | Correlation | |
1 | NZDJPY - GBPCAD | 53.5% |
2 | NZDJPY - USDCAD | 48.6% |
3 | NZDJPY - USDRUB | 45.2% |
4 | NZDJPY - GBPAUD | 35.4% |
5 | NZDJPY - USDZAR | 29.9% |
6 | NZDJPY - NZDUSD | 27.6% |
7 | NZDJPY - USDSEK | 27.4% |
8 | NZDJPY - EURJPY | 25.4% |
9 | NZDJPY - SEKJPY | 24.3% |
10 | NZDJPY - SGDJPY | 23.3% |
Currencies | Correlation | |
1 | NZDJPY - AUDCHF | -26.7% |
2 | NZDJPY - AUDSGD | -21.7% |
3 | NZDJPY - AUDUSD | -19.5% |
4 | NZDJPY - XPDUSD | -16.9% |
5 | NZDJPY - AUDCAD | -16.1% |
6 | NZDJPY - XPTUSD | -14.9% |
7 | NZDJPY - GBPUSD | -14.8% |
8 | NZDJPY - EURUSD | -12.6% |
9 | NZDJPY - CADCHF | -12.3% |
10 | NZDJPY - GBPTRY | -12.0% |
NZDJPY Currency - Real time NZDJPY currency chart and performance.
NZDJPY Historical Data - Historical NZDJPY data selectable by date range and timeframe.
NZDJPY Volatility - NZDJPY real time currency volatility analysis.
NZDJPY Indicators - NZDJPY real time indicators.
NZDJPY Patterns - NZDJPY real time price patterns.