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- Jarvis exness
Jarvis exness (By tankbeta)
Gain : | +103920.46% |
Drawdown | 24.83% |
Pips: | 1593.2 |
Trades | 1092 |
Won: |
Lost: |
Type: | Demo |
Leverage: | 1:50 |
Trading: | Unknown |
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Jarvis exness Discussion
Member Since Jun 18, 2012
9 posts
Jun 19, 2013 at 08:08
Member Since Jun 18, 2012
9 posts
Don't bother it looks untradable. You need a LIVE account to verify that this can work. I see you're using a dummy order that prob refreshed every 30 seconds to keep the trade context open (or not. its a guess but makes scalpers work better). Most brokers wont allow this or will start charging for overages. Also very small profit/loss targets mean that spreads, slippage and latency can kill this puppy on LIVE. Create a small cent account somewhere and see if it can survive real world conditions. Good Luck!
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