Flow 3.0 (By PedroBelt98)

Gain : +42.47%
Drawdown 41.34%
Pips: 1397.1
Trades 309
Type: Demo
Leverage: 1:30
Trading: Automated

Flow 3.0 Discussion

Apr 18, 2022 at 15:03
1 Replies
Member Since Jul 02, 2022   4 posts
Jul 04, 2022 at 15:08
HOW can I copy your signals?
Could you give me your contact?
Member Since Oct 27, 2018   4 posts
Jul 04, 2022 at 17:39
AdrianoEcker posted:
HOW can I copy your signals?
Could you give me your contact?

I do not provide signals and do not let other people copy this system.
Maybe in the future but not for now.
I am still testing it and making some tweaks in it.

Thank you :)
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