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MT4 problem help!!
Nov 26, 2013 at 23:56
Ardit, thank you for the heads up on ninjatrader. I will look into it and also for that of tradestation which I can now skip. For the live results that you asked forhttp://www.forex-assistant.com/2008-2009.zipThese are the monthly statements from IBFX our broker at the time. They are all zipped up for easy downloading but to see the reports, I think you will have to unzip them. The interesting part is the win/ loss record of course, however that part we expected from the operations theory, what we didn't expect was the size of the return. Don't expect that to ever happen again, it ...
Why 90% of retail traders fail...
Nov 26, 2013 at 23:24
"Systematic trading exists for 25 or 30 years now on equities, bonds and futures." Of course you are right, I didn't realize that you were confusing systemic trading with systematic trading. I can see where that could happen. However, the two are not the same. Systematic is some logical procession of events while systemic is to take the entire trading body as a whole. A grid is an example of a systemic trading system because it doesn't matter which direction the price moves, where it is on the graph or anything else traditional traders worry about. When the price hits a...
MT4 problem help!!
Nov 26, 2013 at 22:44
May I respectfully disagree with the belief that forex is difficult. Some people believe that math is difficult but for some of us, it only makes sense. Two plus to plus too equals three different usage and spelling of the same word, now that's difficult, where mathematically two plus to plus too equals six, regardless of the spelling. To me, forex is the safest and most rational investment system ever created. Automation has changed everything. The new investment robots make investing on the forex so simple and safe, that a 7th grader could do it. Well an 18 year old 7th grader beca...
Why 90% of retail traders fail...
Nov 26, 2013 at 09:34
My dad used to have a saying that he taught us when we were young, "it is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth a remove all doubt".Systemic trading was designed for the forex market because when the forex spot market was started in 2001, there were no systems that came with it. People that say that they have been trading this system for 25 years on a market that is only 12 years old is a wonder to behold. People that learn systemic trading first have a much easier time learning technical trading later on. People who learned technical trading first tend to say things...
Why 90% of retail traders fail...
Nov 25, 2013 at 22:43
It's my time, I think I will retain the right to waist it as I think best. No offense taken and none meant, just a difference of opinion. Researchers have always had to contend with resistance to change to the status quo. Every new innovation has had its neigh sayers. The Wright brothers had people calling them liars and charlatans and were even attacked in the press. But they did learn to fly, and so did I. In 2008, during some of the worst market maladies in our life time, our first systemic system traded on IBFX (before FIFO) for 15 months, taking over 3,000 trades and lost only on...
Why 90% of retail traders fail...
Nov 25, 2013 at 18:17
From workinabox, "entertaining Bob with his amateur martingale system.."What amazes me is how people or systems can be labeled by someone who doesn't even bother to check out the program results or is to new to understand what he is talking about. The point of making those two links available was to have people open up the history tab and notice how there are currently 89 and 91 trades respectively and they were supposed to realize that “wow, they all closed for a profit. (I am aware of the two small losses, after all this is my test account that I use to make sure the c...
Why 90% of retail traders fail...
Nov 25, 2013 at 11:06
I think I will repost what I wrote, " I seldom even talk with traders as they are sure that they are right and there has to be some gimmick to anything that proves them wrong.What that means is that they will look at the data and say 'Oh yes, it is working now but it will crash and burn all your money' then they pat themselves on the back for seeing through an obvious deception and never learn why they are losing money. After all if they can't do it, it can't be done."You see, I have had this discussion before...(By the way a martingale recovery trace looks nothing li...
MT4 problem help!!
Nov 24, 2013 at 21:46
That is a strange problem but until you find out what is causing it, you might try right clicking on the trade (forget about the X) and choose close from the dropdown menu.)Hope this helpsBob
Why 90% of retail traders fail...
Nov 24, 2013 at 21:36
"Why 90% of retail traders fail... "Because they don't know what they are doing.Forex is actually the safest market available, there are just a lot of newbies that like to take risks just like there are a lot of people that play the lottery.The real question is “Is safe trading possible?”Here are two demos, (I never share my live accounts with the curious or the government). Go to the histories tab and think about what you are seeing. The problem with forex traders is that to become good you had to go through a lot of charlatans. This jades the trader so they think...
Do you think that EA can be profitable?
Nov 19, 2013 at 23:51
Losing money is no joking matter. But there are some programs that are very dependent on the accuracy of the data. I don't know about 3 years, but I can make a strong argument for not using data before 2001. Prior to that time the currency market was part of the futures market. Only banks and people with the wealth of a bank could trade with a spot market price, the rest used the futures market. The price on the futures market was very susceptive to the emotions of traders driving the extremes way higher than could ever make sense from a pure market perspective. Systemic systems woul...
Do you think that EA can be profitable?
Oct 12, 2013 at 07:17
Comextrading, why do you believe that there are some limits to trading. You seem to think that if you share something then you will have less. That is not the case here. There are no golden eggs, just computer programs that cost nothing to reproduce. It will not hurt my trading if others are able to use my work and free themselves of the toils of life. It cost me nothing at all.In fact, I wish I could help everyone to have a better life. But I can't. However, let me ask you this, why are you leaving so much money on the table? Knowing that there are some that want others to run thei...
Do you think that EA can be profitable?
Oct 12, 2013 at 03:05
Thank you FXRX, I may just take you up on that offer. IBFX was the first to offer that backend solution, but unfortunately it didn't work. FXDD actually adopted the regs later than the others because their application to be regulated came when everything else failed. (I know a couple of people that worked there so knew what was happening). My buddy at IBFX thought that the backend solution would work because it did with technical traders. Yep, It doesn't work with systemic trading systems, and I took a bath to the tune of $18 grand. (Not all on one account). So, that is life but I ...
Do you think that EA can be profitable?
Oct 11, 2013 at 20:15
I'll handle that one. You are judging others according to your own personal criteria, not everyone has the same ideals that you do. For some it is better to give than receive. Why would anyone join the Coast Guard and risk their life to save another that he doesn't even know? But some do. However, there is a more basic business reason for selling a profitable system, not every trader that has lost money learning his trade has an abundance of more money to put into his new trades that he worked so hard to learn. If he doesn't sell his work then he has no money to invest. Simp...
Do you think that EA can be profitable?
Oct 11, 2013 at 09:46
He was trying to be rude paukas, he just doesn't have a spell check. But I will put in my 2 cents worth on this subject. In April of 2008 my partner and I created a new type of trading that didn't use any indicators. It went 15 months through the toughest market stresses with zero losses. That was over 3,000 trades and a 300% return. That high of a return was only because of the volatility in those years, it would not have been that good in a normal year and because of the changes in the price extremes, will never be that way again. Within 6 months of starting our live account on I...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Oct 11, 2013 at 08:30
You can not evaluate a mathematical system by the rules for technical trading, they are not the same. DD is part of the system. We expect DD and use it for stability and profit. As to where to download it, I don't deal with sales so I will need to send you to thesafeinvestor.com to download Phoenix. Recommend you use a 45 pip range to begin with and a 7 iteration max for the martingale recovery. If you (Professor) was referring to katambing's system, it still isn't a martingale but he is into sales so he has to talk about his system were ever he can. I am just a researcher, ha...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Oct 10, 2013 at 18:36
Actually about 7 or 8 iterations is about right, we are still working to find the optimal parameters but here is a little information. http://forex-assistant.com/phoenixThere is an unlimited free trial on these programs to help new traders learn systemic trading. Wish I was finished with the book but in a nut shell, the martingale is a recovery system not a trading system. However, there comes a point where it gets too large to be practical, at that time you reset to the starting size of the trades but double the sizes until recovery has been made. Let's say you set the max iterations at...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Oct 03, 2013 at 22:33
Martingale strategy is like a pet tiger? No. A tiger is like every other cat, they're worthless in every period of time, not just when they're hungry. But a martingale system is mathematical, I know young people have a tendency to be afraid of math but there really is nothing to be afraid of - once you master it, you are the master. Being afraid has kept people form trying to become the master and therefore never succeed. Fear is the real enemy. Now that is not to say that a martingale can be abused, and not cause serious damage, it certainly can. But if a person is not foolish,...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Oct 02, 2013 at 05:23
Beren, I beg to differ sir, but the market does have a memory. Every point where the price reversed puts a resistance point at that price level until it has been crossed by a later price movement. The market is made up of traders and we all have memories, mine are fading fast because of my age but they are still there. What I know, the market knows. Let me pose another scenario, instead of doubling the lot size after every loss, lets try doubling the range size. We can start with 10 pips and if we have a loss, we double the range to 20 pips. As the price continues to move in the wrong di...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Oct 01, 2013 at 15:28
@ KetambatuThat isn't a martingale strategy that you are running, what your doing is called naked scalping. You have a bunch of open trades with no stop-loss. If your program isn't closing internally, that is, running a stop loss without placing it on the brokers computer, that is investment suicide. The returns look wonderful for months then a big spike and your account is gone. I used to see a lot of these back around 2008 but not so much lately. The small lot sizes are a help but it isn't a mathematical trading solution, you can't tell what would happen if the price jump...
The Martingale strategy i good?
Oct 01, 2013 at 05:27
@ Thalantas Yep, but that's not a martingale. To my knowledge there never has been a martingale simple enough for regular investors. There is a grid strategy (again not standard) that has taken over 3,000 trades back during the melt down of 2008 and never lost one. This is not a martingale system but it is still systemic, that is based on mathematical computations instead of indicators. No indicators, no real decisions are necessary, everything is programmed in, just set up and the program averages just over 1% a month, 12% per year, that's a good system for investors. It doesn...
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