XXX- stopped 4 jan 2014, after long successfull run, manual trades at end were also doing well- xMeter Speed V5 Reloaded started on 17 Jan, v5 since 21 feb, dropping hedge here but will follow at 2 and 4- ava 508 58543 - F32 (由 cuzgeorge)

收益: +36.11%
縮減 32.02%
點: 3578.0
交易 287
類型: 演示
杠杆率: 1:400
交易: 未知

XXX- stopped 4 jan 2014, after long successfull run, manual trades at end were also doing well- xMeter Speed V5 Reloaded started on 17 Jan, v5 since 21 feb, dropping hedge here but will follow at 2 and 4- ava 508 58543 - F32討論

Jan 04, 2014 at 11:51
0 Replies
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