NMi-Momods Night Scalper Pepperstone (由 forex_trader_2825)


NMi-Momods Night Scalper Pepperstone討論

Jun 11, 2013 at 01:12
8 Replies
會員從May 02, 2013開始   3帖子
Jun 21, 2013 at 09:44
Sir i am very impressed your trading EA.So I have to instal my real account.please tell me the process.

會員從Nov 09, 2009開始   129帖子
Jun 21, 2013 at 11:00
Hi kishoore,

Thank you for the kinds words.

The NMi Momods Night Scalper EA is the first of more to via the NMi Experts Gateway https://new-millenniuminc.com/nmi-experts-gateway/

For instructions to download the EA please click on this page https://new-millenniuminc.com/nmi-experts-gateway-traders/

* EA Traders can download (for free) professionally developed and supported EA designs from carefully selected EA developers who partner with NMi, all EA designs are listed in the NMi Experts Gateway Back end for account holders (simply register).
* EA Developers (selected carefully) are remunerated by NMi on a volume traded basis paid by the brokers out their standard retail volume commission fee, all of which is tracked via (and displayed in) the NMi Experts Gateway back end.
* EA Marketers even have a slot where they can plug into the Experts Gateway, refer traders to the EA designs listed and receive an ongoing volume commission share for clients referred. Although it's available, for now this is not where our focus is.

Though its not listed in the NMi Experts Gateway (yet!), NMi clients also receive a 20% discount on Beeks VPS and Axitrader Australia has undertaken to sponsor a CNS VPS for any NMi Momods Night Scalper Trader trading 10 lots (versus the usual 100 lot min). The Gateway back end also lists the average points per trade of all trades at all brokers (12) where its traded (excess of 5000 trades last look).

For any email inquiries [email protected] or submit a ticket here https://support.new-millenniuminc.com/

Kind Regards, Adam Liddiard

Trading Director
New Millennium Inc
會員從May 02, 2013開始   3帖子
Jun 22, 2013 at 21:32
ok thank u so much
會員從Feb 11, 2011開始   1768帖子
Jul 06, 2013 at 00:54
what a bad week ? did you considered to stop trading for the 4 th of july week,,,was not an ordinary week was it ?
會員從Nov 09, 2009開始   129帖子
Jul 08, 2013 at 05:50
rob559 posted:
what a bad week ? did you considered to stop trading for the 4 th of July week,,,was not an ordinary week was it ?

Yup, in hindsight we should have switched it off :) but unless you have done the statistical verification of whether 4th July has been a bad week in the past, then there's no reason to disable it.

Ideally, I think an Algo should be able to run all the time in all market conditions and stand up over time. Stats rule the game.Trying to decide when to turn it on and off is very hard, and then it must be statistically validated over time against a hands free approach - otherwise how do you know if you judgement is consistently good enough ? and if your judgement is that good....then why use an EA ?

MO @ WWI and Donna FX is the best man to speak to about his EA though.

Cheers, Adam :)
會員從Feb 11, 2011開始   1768帖子
Jul 08, 2013 at 06:19
confident that it will be a winner on the long run
會員從Nov 09, 2009開始   129帖子
Jul 08, 2013 at 06:27
rob559 posted:
confident that it will be a winner on the long run

Well we are as confident as we can be because we're doing all that we can do to continue it success, but of course making pips in FX is no easy feat to achieve consistently.

NMi is throwing whatever support we can behind MO to give the system the best chance at long term success, as much advice as we can supply based on our experiences/beliefs about system design and optimization and how the markets works, a dedicated server loaded with super powerful optimization software with data shaped the way we believe it needs to be to get the best outcomes. MO is often adding new code and testing ideas in the background, too, ever searching for improvements.

So I do thank you for you up beat attitude, just keep it in the back of your mind that markets can and do change in ways that can render previously profitable system, un profitable and its something we only ever can determine after the fact.

Cheers, Adam :)
會員從Aug 31, 2012開始   53帖子
Jul 11, 2013 at 08:53
rob559 posted:
confident that it will be a winner on the long run

did that put a dent in your confidence?
會員從May 29, 2012開始   45帖子
Aug 05, 2013 at 13:59
whats going on? keep losing .. y not look at my account
reitred at 40... and i just did
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