Fever Gold CopyFX (由 FeverGoldCopyFX)

收益: -99.9%
縮減 100.00%
點: 68592.7
交易 590
類型: 真實
杠杆率: 1:2000
交易: 未知

Fever Gold CopyFX討論

Jun 04 at 17:50
2 Replies
會員從May 24, 2019開始   6帖子
Jul 25 at 12:14
Interresting but as you can see: 1st month to the sky, second and 3rd month much much less, 60% drawdown, only 3 months old and why using a cent account? You'd better stay away till this account is at least 6 months old or more...
會員從Dec 18, 2020開始   3帖子
Aug 29 at 14:51
is this available for canadian resident? FP market broker
會員從Feb 08, 2024開始   1帖子
Nov 07 at 06:43
Do you manage accounts? I would be interested.
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